This committee shall provide direct faculty advice concerning long-term priorities for the University to the Office of the University Provost. The committee will also advise the Office of the University Provost in preparing materials for Middle States Accreditation reviews and updates, which occur on a five-year interval. The committee will be provided with information secured by the Coordinating Committee on Education and other Faculty Senate committees concerning such matters as budgets and programs under review, and it will meet regularly with the University Provost.
The committee shall consist of five members, who shall be the present and three most recent former chairpersons of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education and one former winner of the Francis Alison Award. In the event that a fomer chair of the Coordinating Committee cannot serve, another former Senate officer may be appointed as a substitute. Members shall serve four-year terms, with one Senate member joining and one leaving each year. The committee will elect its own chair. (committee added 9/94)