University Council on Teacher Education

The University Council on Teacher Education advises the Provost and the Dean of the College of Education on all matters relating to teacher education at the University. It formulates policy recommendations in keeping with its primary responsibility to assist the University in fulfilling its mandate for excellence and national leadership in the field of teacher education. Accordingly, it will review, at least annually and more often if deemed necessary by the Provost, the Dean, or the Executive Committee of the Council, all teacher education programs offered by the University. In so doing, it will assess the need for these programs (and any others currently not offered) for the State, region, and nation and make appropriate recommendations. It will serve as a major liaison between the College of Education and other Colleges and Divisions of the University also interested or involved in teacher training, bringing to the attention of relevant bodies particular needs or requirements in teacher education. Close cooperation in teacher education among all faculties will be encouraged and assisted by the Council in every possible way.

The Council is chaired by the Dean of the College of Education, and its membership is ex officio as follows:

The Council will meet twice each year during regular academic terms; special meetings may be called upon due notification to the membership by the Provost, the Dean, or the Executive Committee of the Council.

The Executive Committee will meet once each month during the academic year, or more often as required, and shall be composed of the deans (or their designees) of the Colleges that have administrative responsibility for a teacher education degree program. The Executive Committee will be chaired by the Dean of the College of Education. It will consider issues and questions concerning teacher education, draft policy statements, set other agenda items for presentation to the Council at its semi-annual meetings and, in general, act on behalf of the Council between its sessions.

March 22, 1995