Field Experience Programs
On September 8, 1986, the University Faculty Senate approved the
following policy and procedures pertaining to Field Experience
programs at the University.
Definition of Field Experience: Field experience courses are
defined as those experiences sponsored by a faculty
member/department in which students have a regular (set hours per
week) and continuous involvement with ongoing work-related
responsibilities in an off-campus organization or agency.
University-wide Course Number: A University-wide numbering system
for field experience has been established using the two common
terminal digits - 64.
Department Guidelines: Each department will establish guidelines
for the operation of field experience programs sponsored by
faculty in the department. These guidelines should be based on
the resolutions and recommendations approved by the University
Faculty Senate and should allow for flexibility and creativity by
individual faculty supervisors.
Evaluation Procedures:
- Prior written agreement will be established between the student
and faculty sponsor as to the nature of the evaluation process.
- A regular reporting system will be established between faculty
sponsor and student prior to beginning the field experience.
- The faculty sponsor will communicate the evaluation process to be
used to the agency.
- The faculty sponsor will periodically contact the agency
supervisor concerning student progress.
- The weight attached to input from the agency will be at the
faculty sponsor's discretion.
- Work for Credit and Pay: The department/faculty will determine
appropriate standards for learning obtained on the job, and
students will not be denied the opportunity to earn credit solely
because they receive payment from the agency.
- Time Credit Requirement: A student will spend at least forty
hours on the job in a field placement for each credit earned.
- Grading: Each academic unit will define the grading policy for
field experience courses in which students receive credit for
regular and continuous involvement in an off-campus organization
or agency.
(Rev. 9/8/86)

March 21, 1995