Use of University Facilities by On-Campus Groups
The physical facilities of the University of Delaware have been provided
to enable the institution to carry out its responsibilities of education,
research, and public service.
Recognizing that the University of Delaware cannot honor all of the many
requests it receives from campus groups and individuals for the use of
facilities in support of numerous activities, the following policies are
- Those activities within the broad definitions of education, research,
and public service that the University initiates, have priority over
all other uses of the institution's physical facilities. University,
in this context, means a college, division, department or other
official administrative or service unit.
- When space is available, a campus-affiliated group may be granted the
use of University facilities provided the activity is sponsored by a
college, division, department or other official administrative or
service unit, or a recognized employee organization, and provided the
group agrees to observe the policies and procedures governing the use
of University facilities.
- The use of University facilities by campus groups or individuals shall
not interfere with or prevent the use of the facilities for the regular
instructional program or for other scheduled activities.
- Campus groups or individuals using University facilities must
compensate the University for the rental of space, where applicable,
and for all expenses resulting from the activities including custodial
service, labor, security, conference arrangements or other costs.
- The use of University facilities solely for fund-raising purposes shall
be limited to those activities whose income benefits the entire State.
Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of University
Relations. The University will maintain control over all income used
in connection with fund-raising activities and will collect and
disburse all income.
- University facilities may not be used by campus groups or individuals
to raise money for private purposes.
- The University may refuse the use of its facilities to campus groups or
individuals that otherwise would be eligible where the proposed
activity would require an unreasonable amount of University supervision
or service or where there is a question concerning the safety of the
participants or propitious use of University property.

March 22, 1995