University Facilities and Equipment

Although colleges and departments may occupy a particular building or section of a building, other classes and activities will be assigned to these facilities as space requirements dictate. Assignment of office space is made by the Office of Institutional Research and Financial Planning in response to requests initiated by the department chairperson and approved by the Provost. Classrooms and seminar rooms are assigned and scheduled by the Scheduling Officer in the Records Office.

Office and building keys are issued free to authorized users and should be requested on a "Key Authorization Form" available in departmental offices. Authorized users are responsible for security of the keys and should not duplicate them or lend them to unauthorized persons. As a security precaution, keys should not be labeled as to the locks they open. When keys are no longer in use, they should be returned to the locksmith. In the event of loss of keys, Plant Operations should be notified immediately.

The following office furnishings are issued to each faculty member and charged against the University Equipment Account: 1 desk, 1 filing cabinet, 1 waste basket, 1 desk chair, 1 side chair, and 1 unit of bookshelves. Faculty members are asked not to move furniture from one office to another without notifying the Office of Plant Operations and the department chairperson.

In general, all University buildings are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and on Saturdays 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. For buildings where general admittance is customary after usual closing hours (Library, etc.), hours are posted. Persons desiring to use a building outside regular hours should make their needs known to the Department of Public Safety at ext. 2682.

Safety shall be a major concern of all faculty and professionals. Each activity must be planned and conducted with the safety of individuals considered. Sound safety principles and procedures shall be established and followed in all classrooms and laboratories. Each faculty member has the responsibility of safety associated with activities under his or her direction. The Office of Safety Coordination may be consulted on all matters concerning safety.

If a fire occurs, it is important that the Safety Coordinator be notified immediately, even if no appreciable damage results. He or she will make sure that the fire extinguishers are recharged, insurance reports filed, and hazardous conditions corrected to reduce the chance of recurrence.

University property shall not be removed from the campus or from the building to which it is assigned without appropriate authority.

Equipment not in use shall be at the disposal of an equipment administrator, designated by the President, who shall maintain a current inventory of all equipment and shall have authority to make such rules as are needed to obtain maximum sharing of such equipment. No new equipment may be purchased without the approval of the equipment administrator indicating that usable surplus does not exist or that similar equipment cannot be shared with other units.

March 22, 1995