Telephone Service

The University has a direct dial (Centrex) telephone system. This service permits the user to receive calls directly from the outside or to place calls to the outside without the assistance of a switchboard attendant.

University users should inform as many people as possible of their Centrex numbers so that they may be called directly when in their offices.

Telephone installation is arranged in response to a written request from the appropriate department head, approved by the Dean of the college to the telephone services supervision. The University attempts to provide access to telephone service for all full-time faculty members. It is not feasible to have separate telephones in every office, so several faculty members may have to share in the use of one instrument or line. The University Telephone Services Office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on holidays.

Instructions concerning the use of University telephones are given in the University telephone directory issued by Telephone Services. Calls on University business should not be made on a home telephone or later billed to the University, for the University cannot accept charges for the taxes involved. Personal long distance calls should not be made from University telephones.

March 22, 1995