Mortgage Loans
The Trustees of the University have made available a sum
of money for the financing of residential mortgages for eligible
faculty and professional members. This is to assist eligible
members in obtaining appropriate housing within the vicinity of
the University area in which they work. Full-time faculty
holding the rank of associate professor or higher, assistant
professors with two full years of service, and full-time
professional employees with two years of service are eligible to
make application for mortgage loans. Some of the pertinent
provisions of the program are as follows:
- The mortgage rate will be contingent upon the source of
funds available at the time a mortgage is approved.
- The term of the mortgage will not exceed 30 years, or 70
years of age, whichever is less.
- A mortgage can be granted up to 80 percent of the
appraised value of the property, provided this does not
exceed two and one-quarter times the applicant's contract
- Mortgage will be limited to one home to be occupied by
eligible members or their minor children. (* Mortgages
will only be granted to eligible faculty members who will
be residing in the property to be mortgaged. The
provision for minor children may apply in the event of
subsequent and legal separation or divorce.)
- A University employee who is an eligible member for a
University mortgage on or before December 31, 1982, may,
as of July 1, 1983 obtain another University mortgage on
his or her primary residence located within the vicinity
of the University area in which the eligible member works
limited to the remaining principal balance, the remaining
number of years, and at the rate of interest of his or
her existing University mortgage, providing the existing
mortgage is paid off.
A University employee who becomes an eligible member of
the University Mortgage Program on or after January 1,
1983, is entitled to one mortgage under the provisions of
the University Mortgage Program.
- The program is not designed to provide funds for
renovating or refinancing property currently owned by an
eligible member.
- If a mortgage holder ceases to be a full-time employee of
the University, the options on settlement of the mortgage
are, in the absence of special direction of the Treasurer
of the University, as follows: (a) if less than five
years' service, mortgage must be satisfied within 90 days
from date of separation or change in employment status;
(b) if more than five years of service and termination is
involuntary, mortgage must be satisfied within 90 days
from date of separation or within one year of notice of
termination or change in employment status, whichever is
greater; (c) if more than five years' service and
termination or change in employment status is voluntary,
mortgage must be satisfied within 180 days from date of
separation or change in employment status.
- If the mortgagor ceases to be an eligible member and does
not satisfy the mortgage under the options stated above,
at the option of the University the interest rate on the
University mortgage may be increased to the maximum rate
of interest then lawful in the State of Delaware, or
other appropriate action may be taken by the University
including and without being limited to foreclosure and
transfer of the deed.
- When an employee holding a University mortgage has been
employed by the University for ten years or more and
becomes totally disabled, the mortgage shall remain in
effect so long as the disability continues and the
employee continues to live in the mortgaged house,
providing that the mortgage payments are automatically
deducted from monthly disability payments or other
guaranteed payments are received from the employee.
- When a married employee holding a University mortgage
dies, the mortgage shall remain in effect either for a
period of one year from the date of death or up to the
time the surviving spouse no longer lives in the house,
whichever is sooner.
For further details and information, contact the Office of the
Associate Treasurer-Finance.
March 22, 1995