Two (2) stated meetings of the Board shall be held every year at the University, one in the fall and the other in the spring, the specific day to be determined by the Chairman of the Board.
Special meetings may be held at the call of the Chairman which he may make at his discretion and shall make on the written request of at least six members of the Board of Trustees.
The Secretary of the Board shall give notice of all meetings by mailing to members of the Board at their last known address a written notification at least two weeks in advance of stated meetings, and at least five days' written notice or three days' telegraph or telephone notice shall be given of special meetings of the Board. The time and place of all meetings and the purpose of special meetings shall be stated in the notice thereof; the proceedings of special meetings shall be confined to the purposes therein stated and matters germane thereto.
Nine (9) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum to do business; a lesser number may adjourn.
Ex officio members of the Board as specified in the Charter of the University shall be entitled to vote at all meetings.
The order of business at each meeting of the Board shall be:
No business properly referable to a Standing Committee or committees of this Board shall, prior to such reference, be considered in a meeting of the Board without the consent of a majority of the members present of the committee or committees concerned and an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board present.
The interested trustee shall absent himself from the portion of the meeting relating to the transaction in which he has an interest where, in his opinion or in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, the presence of the interested trustee would inhibit free and full discussion of the matter under consideration.
In the event that the Chairman of the meeting is an interested trustee, the senior Vice Chairman in the case of the Board or the senior trustee in the case of a Committee shall undertake the powers and duties of the Chairman in connection with the matter under consideration.