The Faculty

Until otherwise ordered by the Board of Trustees, authority is hereby delegated to the University faculty to formulate and administer the academic and educational policies of the University in accordance with the provisions of the following regulations:

  1. Membership
    1. The voting membership shall consist of the following: the President of the University, the Provost, Associate and Assistant Provosts, the Secretary, the Vice Presidents, the Treasurer, the Deans, Associate and Assistant Deans, Directors of Educational Divisions, and the Associate and/or Assistant Coordinator for Graduate Studies, full-time professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors and lecturers, and such other members of the administrative and professional staff as may be approved by the Trustees.

      The following members of the University's administrative and professional staff, not elsewhere so designated, are voting members of the University faculty: The Directors of Scholarships and Student Financial Aid; Cooperative Extension; Center for Counseling and Student Development; Life and Health Sciences; Libraries; Housing and Residence Life; Office of Instructional Technology; Continuing Education, and the Associate Provosts of Research and Patents and Winter/Summer Sessions. Also included are the University Registrar, University Physicians and the full-time staff of the Center for Counseling and Student Development.

    2. The University faculty may elect either to voting or non-voting membership any other member of the University body whom it deems advisable.
    3. The University faculty may invite other members of the University body to participate in its deliberations without voting privileges.
    4. The University faculty may elect to honorary membership persons who have rendered meritorious service to the University.
  2. The President of the University shall be the presiding officer of the University faculty.
  3. The faculty shall:
    1. Formulate rules and regulations for the government and the discipline of the student body.
    2. Provide for the establishment of the curricula and courses in the several colleges and divisions.
    3. Provide for the establishment of a program of extra-course education for students.
    4. Determine educational and academic policies of admissions.
    5. Determine the requirements for degrees and recommend candidates for diplomas, degrees, and certificates, which shall be conferred by the President of the University under the authority of the Board of Trustees.
    6. Recommend policies concerning awards, prizes, and scholarships.
    7. Recommend educational and academic policies relating to the administration of the University Library.
    8. Make recommendations for the conduct of formal exercises and public functions held under the auspices of the University.
    9. Adopt regulations governing its own procedures with authority to enact, amend, and repeal its bylaws by a two-thirds vote of those present.
    10. Determine the duties which it will delegate to faculty committees and to the faculties of the several colleges and divisions of the University.
  4. The faculty shall be given the opportunity to consider and make recommendations on proposals originating outside the faculty regarding:
    1. The establishment or disestablishment of degrees, or
    2. Changes in the University organization before final action is taken by the Board of Trustees. Changes in University organization shall include the establishment or abolition of academic departments, colleges or divisions; the transfer of a department or division from one college to another; and the establishment or abolition of administrative offices that are directly concerned with academic matters.
  5. It shall be the privilege of the faculty:
    1. To make recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning the establishment of any degree to be awarded or the disestablishment of any degree.
    2. To consider matters of general interest to the University and make recommendations thereupon to the President for transmission to the Board of Trustees.
    3. To consider and make recommendations for proposed changes in the University organization.
    4. To make recommendations to the President, for transmission to the Board of Trustees, concerning the formation of policies governing appointments, promotions, tenure, dismissals, and salaries.
    5. To propose to the President, for transmission to the Board of Trustees, upon the concurrence of two-thirds of those present, amendments to these regulations, provided such amendment or amendments have been proposed in writing at the preceding regular meeting of the University faculty.
  6. All matters of conflicting jurisdiction as to the exercise of powers by the several colleges and divisions shall be decided by the President of the University.

March 22, 1995