The Standing Committees of the Board shall be: an Executive Committee; a Committee on Agriculture; a Committee on Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation; a Committee on Grounds and Buildings; a Committee on Education and Training; a Committee on Finance; a Committee on Honorary Degrees and Awards; a Committee on Student Affairs; and a Committee on Public Affairs and Advancement. Each of these committees shall consist of not fewer than three members.
The Executive Committee shall consist of (1) the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, who shall preside; (2) the Vice Chairmen of the Board; (3) the Treasurer of the Board; (4) the Secretary of the Board; (5) the Chairmen of the other Standing Committees of the Board; and (6) such additional members as may be appointed by the Chairman of the Board from time to time. Five members shall constitute a legal quorum for the transaction of business.
In an interval between the regular meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee shall have authority to transact all business, do any act, which could come before the Board.
The Committee on Agriculture (1) shall consider matters relating to the College of Agricultural Sciences, (2) shall be the Supervisory Committee and Governing Board of the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Agricultural Extension service, (3) shall have supervision of the University farm and the Experiment Station buildings, and (4) shall have supervisory charge of all ordinary expenditures under the provisions of the statutes providing for the establishment of experimental stations and extension services, and, in general, it shall have control of everything in the nature of practical or experimental agriculture connected with the University. The Committee shall report periodically to the Executive Committee.
The Committee on Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation shall consider the matters relating to physical education, athletics and recreation and shall receive recommendations from the Dean of the College through the President of the University. The Committee shall report periodically to the Executive Committee.
The Committee on Grounds and Buildings shall consider matters relating to the real estate belonging to the Corporation, except farm lands and agricultural buildings which shall be under the control of the Committee on Agriculture. It shall report periodically to the Executive Committee.
The Committee on Education and Training shall consider matters dealing with education and training and, upon nomination by the President of the University, shall make appointments to positions on the faculty and administrative and professional staff (except as otherwise provided in these bylaws), and shall report periodically to the Executive Committee.
The Committee on Finance shall have general charge and control of the fiscal affairs of the Corporation. It shall report thereon periodically to the Executive Committee.
The Committee shall have prepared and shall submit to the Executive Committee a budget for the University, showing under appropriate captions the estimated revenues, expenditures and transfers of each for the next fiscal year. When the budget has been approved by the Executive Committee and the Board, no person shall have the authority to expend more than the amount thereof; but the Executive Committee may authorize revisions from one item of the budget to other items thereof.
The Committee on Honorary Degrees and Awards shall consist of seven members, four of whom shall be members of the Board of Trustees and appointed by the Chairman of the Board, and three shall be members of the University faculty appointed by the President of the University.
Nominations for honorary degrees may be made to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the President of the University, or to the Chairman of the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Awards.
Nominations for awards may be made to the University Awards Committee.
Honorary degrees and awards shall be granted by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Awards and, in the case of honorary degrees, after consultation with the faculty. Both honorary degrees and awards shall recite, as the sole authority for their issuance, the action of the Board of Trustees granting the degree or award.
The Committee on Student Affairs shall have authority to establish policy and general rules governing student personnel services, reporting its actions to the Executive Committee.
The Committee on Student Affairs shall consider all aspects of student life and shall review annually the policies promulgated by faculty and student bodies bearing in mind that student governance is a faculty responsibility but that under the Charter of the University, the Trustees may, if necessary, promulgate bylaws for the care, control and government of students.
The Committee on Public Affairs and Advancement is charged with monitoring the political, economic, social, and public policy environment in which the University operates, identifying those issues which directly impact the University and recommending to the Executive Committee appropriate courses of action. The Committee is further charged with providing policy direction for a vigorous and appropriate advancement program, the efforts of which shall align clearly with the stated goals and mission of the University, as approved by the Board of Trustees or other appropriate authority. The Committee shall assist in the identification and the solicitation of major gifts to the University.