The Bylaws of The Board of Trustees of the University of Delaware

(Revised 1989)


Chapter 1 Pertaining to the Board of Trustees

  1. Composition and Method of Appointment of the Board of Trustees
  2. Meetings of the Board of Trustees
    1. Regular Meetings
    2. Special Meetings
    3. Notice of Meetings
    4. Quorum
    5. Ex Officio Members
    6. Order of Business at Meetings of the Board
    7. New Business
    8. Conflict of Interest
  3. Officers of the Board and Their Duties
    1. Chairman
    2. Vice Chairman
    3. Chairman pro tempore
    4. Secretary
    5. Treasurer
  4. Committees of the Board and Their Duties
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Committee on Agriculture
    3. Committee on Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation
    4. Committee on Grounds and Buildings
    5. Committee on Education and Training
    6. Committee on Finance
    7. Committee on Honorary Degrees and Awards
    8. Committee on Student Affairs
    9. Committee on Public Affairs and Advancement
  5. Appointment of Committees
  6. Committee Reports

Chapter 2 Pertaining to the Faculty and Officers of the University

  1. Educational Subdivisions of the University
  2. The Faculty
    1. Membership
    2. Presiding Officer
    3. Duties
    4. Consideration of Proposals Originating Outside the
    5. Faculty
    6. Privileges
    7. Conflicting Jurisdiction
  3. Administrative Officers of the University
    1. President of the University
    2. Provost of the University
    3. Treasurer of the University
    4. Vice President for Student Affairs
    5. Vice President for Employee Relations
    6. Vice President for Government Relations
    7. Secretary of the University
    8. Deans of the University
    9. Directors of the Divisions of the University
    10. Department Chairmen

Chapter 3 Indemnification of Directors, Officers and Employees

Chapter 4 Alteration or Amendment of Bylaws

March 1, 1995