Administrative Officers of the University

  1. President of the University

    The President of the University, as the executive agent of the Board of Trustees and the chief administrative officer of the University shall have general supervision of the affairs of the University and shall be, ex-officio, a member of the Board of Trustees.

    The President of the University shall prepare the docket (agenda) to be considered at regular meetings of the Board of Trustees and regular meetings of the several Standing Committees after consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and shall forward such dockets and supporting exhibits to each member of the committee three days before the regular meeting thereof. The docket for the semi-annual meetings of the Executive Committee shall include the semi-annual reports of the Standing Committees of the Board and the resolutions which are to be presented at the meeting of the Board immediately following. This regulation shall not, however, limit the consideration of any matters which may properly come before the Board of Trustees or its Standing Committees.

    In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, an Acting President shall be chosen by the Board of Trustees to serve at the pleasure of the Board.

    Subject to confirmation by the Trustees and except as may otherwise be provided for in these bylaws, the President shall appoint the Provost, Vice Presidents, Deans and Directors of the University.

  2. Provost of the University

    The Provost of the University shall be the executive officer of the University next in authority to the President of the University. The Provost shall be a member of all University-wide councils and agencies and perform such other duties and responsibilities as the President of the University may assign, having in all matters a general responsibility to the President of the University.

    In case of a temporary absence or disability of the President, the Provost of the University shall perform the duties of the President.

  3. Treasurer of the University

    The Board of Trustees shall appoint the Treasurer of the University upon nomination by the President of the University. The Treasurer of the University shall be under the general supervision of the President of the University.

    Subject to the direction of the President of the University and the Committee on Finance, the Treasurer of the University: (1) shall supervise and direct all financial operations of the University, except to the extent that the Board of Trustees has and may otherwise provide and except to the extent that funds may be held by an agent or custodian duly appointed by authority of the Board of Trustees; (2) no moneys of the University shall be paid out, nor shall any purchase be made, nor liability incurred for or on account of the University by an officer or employee thereof except by the direction of the Treasurer of the University; (3) the Treasurer of the University shall approve expenditures only if there is in the budget money available for the expenditure.

    The Treasurer of the University shall give to the Corporation a bond with corporate surety, in such amount as the Board shall require, for the faithful performance of duties, the premium on said bond to be paid by the Corporation.

    In the absence of the Secretary of the University, or inability to act, the Treasurer of the University shall affix the seal of the University to such documents as may require it.

  4. Vice President for Student Affairs

    Under the direction of the President, the Vice President for Student Affairs shall develop, coordinate and implement the total program of student services consistent with regulations promulgated by the faculty and trustees, including the following specific functions: admissions, orientation of new students (excluding the formal orientation courses taught in the colleges of the University), scholarships and student financial aid, center for counseling and student development, and extracurricular activities (including student government, student publications, fraternities, sororities, and social, religious and cultural out-of-class activities, but excluding intercollegiate and intramural athletics), student health services, student housing, and shall establish and administer the Student Judicial System consistent with the philosophy formulated by the faculty.

    The Vice President for Student Affairs shall evaluate and report periodically to the President and the Trustees on the effectiveness of the programs of Student Affairs and the regulations promulgated by the faculty.

  5. Vice President for Employee Relations

    Under the direction of the President, the Vice President for Employee Relations shall have the responsibility for all personnel and employee relations functions, which include relationships with staff, including recruitment and training; relationships with professionals, including the professional development program; relationships with all collective bargaining, contract administration, grievances and liaison with academic and other administrators regarding union matters; and all employee benefits.

  6. Vice President for Government Relations

    Under the direction of the President, the Vice President for Government Relations shall have responsibility for governmental relations with local, state and federal governments. This shall include liaison with the legislative and executive branches of government to foster the goals and objectives of the University in serving the needs of the people of Delaware and the nation.

    The Vice President shall be responsible for University law enforcement, security, parking control, transit, occupational health and safety programs.

  7. Secretary of the University

    Subject to the direction of the President of the University, the Secretary of the University shall be responsible for the official record of action considered and taken by the Board of Trustees and its committees; shall provide staff support for the Board and its committees as required and requested; and shall be responsible for the records management and archives operations at the University. The Secretary of the University shall serve as liaison between the Board and the University Administration.

    The Secretary of the University shall affix the seal of the University to such documents as may require it.

  8. Deans of the University

    1. The Deans of the University shall be as follows: Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences; Dean of the College of Arts and Science; Dean of the College of Business and Economics; Dean of the College of Education; Dean of the College of Engineering; Dean of the College of Human Resources; Dean of the College of Marine Studies; Dean of the College of Nursing; Dean of the College of Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation; Dean of the College of Urban Affairs and Public Policy; Dean of Students; Dean of Admissions; Dean of the Parallel Program; and Dean of Counseling and Student Development.

      Other educational offices such as those of Associate Deans and Assistant Deans may be established by the President of the University with the approval of the Board.

      The Dean of Admissions shall also serve as Secretary of the Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and shall function in this capacity as the officer in charge of Admissions.

    2. The dean of any college, in addition to other duties, shall have immediate charge of supervising and correlating all research, instructional, and educational activities of that college.

  9. Directors of the Divisions of the University

    The Directors of the Divisions of the University shall be as follows: Continuing Education; Cooperative Extension; Housing and Residence Life; Libraries; School of Life and Health Sciences; and such other divisions as shall be necessary and appropriate.

  10. Department Chairmen

    Department Chairmen shall be appointed by the President of the University, upon the recommendation of the appropriate deans, for a term of five years subject to renewal, with the President having the authority to replace a department chairman at any time within a five-year term if, in the opinion of the President and the appropriate dean, such action shall be desirable.

    A Chairman shall be appointed for those departments that have at least one associate or full professor and two other full-time faculty members.

March 1, 1995