Article XVII, Maintenance of Practices

University of Delaware

Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Delaware and American Association of University Professors, University of Delaware Chapter

July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1996


  1. The parties agree that there is a body of written policies, of practices and interpretations of those policies which govern administrative decisions concerning wages, salaries, hours, workload, sick leave, vacations, grievance procedures, appointment, reappointment, promotion, tenure, dismissal, termination, suspension, evaluation, sabbatical leave, maternity leave, and alcoholism treatment which are not covered by the terms of this Agreement. Such policies and practices, except as changed by procedures agreed to in Article 17.3 below, shall be continued for the term of this Agreement. In the event of a conflict of any such policies or practices with the terms of this Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail.

    An administrative action not in accordance with the past application or interpretation of the above policies shall be grievable.

  2. As used in 17.1 above, the term "practices" refers to those practices of the Office of the President, the Office of the Provost, the Offices of the Vice Presidents, the Offices of the Deans, and the Offices of Department Chairpersons, specified in written policies of the University Administration, of its Board of Trustees, and those Faculty Senate policies which are approved by the President and the Board of Trustees.

    The Handbook for Faculty shall contain a complete copy of each University-wide policy that governs the practices enumerated in section 17.1 of this Article. Written copies of any policy changes occurring after this Agreement is signed, and made in accordance with the provisions of 17.3 below, shall be made available through annual revisions of the Handbook for Faculty to all members of the bargaining unit, and shall be made available to the AAUP within ten (10) days of their adoption.

  3. The parties agree that the Board of Trustees, the University Administration, and the University Faculty Senate upon approval by the Administration and the Board, have undiminished power and authority to establish, change or eliminate policies. The parties also agree that the privileges of the faculty provided in the Trustee Bylaws to advise upon proposed policy and to recommend policy also remain undiminished. In pursuance of these powers and privileges the parties agree that all proposals by the University Administration to establish, change or eliminate University-wide policies which govern the practices enumerated in section 17.1 of this Article shall be submitted in advance to the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate for referral to the appropriate faculty review committee and subsequent Senate action before final Administration action. The Faculty Senate shall act upon each proposal within sixty (60) days following its submission to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Failure to act within sixty (60) days shall be considered as Faculty Senate concurrence with the proposal. The parties further agree that recommendations to establish, change or eliminate policies which are initiated by the University Faculty Senate and require Trustee approval should be submitted by the University Administration to the next scheduled meeting of the appropriate Trustee committee provided such recommendations are submitted to the University Administration at least thirty (30) days prior to such Trustee Committee meeting. The University Administration agrees to inform the President of the University Faculty Senate as to the action taken on such recommendations within fifteen (15) days of the Board of Trustees meeting.

  4. Since in the past, proposals by the Administration to establish, change or eliminate policies have been presented for review and comment by faculty committees, the college senate(s), and the University Faculty Senate, the parties agree that these procedures will be followed in the future.

June 19, 1995