Article XIII, Use of Part-Time Faculty
University of Delaware
Collective Bargaining Agreement between
the University of Delaware and
American Association of University Professors,
University of Delaware Chapter
July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1996
It is agreed that the use of part-time faculty influences
the workload of bargaining unit members and the quality of
education offered by the University. Therefore, the following
principles are used to guide the use of part-time appointees:
The use of part-time appointees to teach in the following
circumstances is acceptable:
- to replace full-time faculty members on leave;
- to replace full-time faculty members with
temporary time-bought situations or temporary
special assignments;
- to teach courses full-time faculty are not
qualified to teach, or to provide enrichment,
diversity or balance for departmental curricula;
- to establish or maintain liaison with commercial
or professional organizations relevant to student
The use of part-time appointees in the following qualified
circumstances is acceptable:
- to supervise field work or clinical or laboratory
experience beyond that which can be accommodated
to the workload of the full-time faculty;
- to teach courses full-time faculty are able to
teach only when:
- there is a temporary open full-time line and
a search is in progress;
- there is a short-term bulge in student
demand beyond that which can be met by full-
time faculty.
June 19, 1995