Article XII, Salaries

University of Delaware

Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Delaware and American Association of University Professors, University of Delaware Chapter

July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1996


  1. For the period July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995, salaries of continuing members of the bargaining unit shall be adjusted in the following manner:

    1. Each continuing member of the bargaining unit shall have his/her salary increased by an amount equivalent to 2.5% of his/her 1993-94 base salary.

    2. In addition, an amount equivalent to 1.5% of the 1993-94 base salary of continuing members of the bargaining unit in each college shall be allocated to a merit pool and divided within that college among continuing members of the bargaining unit in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.3.

    3. Each continuing member of the bargaining unit shall have his or her salary adjusted by the following structural adjustment based on the faculty member's rank as of July 1, 1994:

                                 Academic          Fiscal
                                 Year              Year
      Professor:                  $650             $795
      Assistant Professor:         300              365

    4. All increases will be effective July 1, 1994 for bargaining unit members on fiscal year contracts and September 1, 1994 for bargaining unit members on academic year contracts.

      For the purpose of this contract, a member of the bargaining unit is considered "continuing" under the following definitions:

      1. any person on a fiscal year contract who is a member of the bargaining unit on June 30 and who is a member of the bargaining unit on July 1 of that same calendar year.

      2. any person on an academic year contract who is a member of the bargaining unit on the last day of classes for the Spring Semester and who is a member of the bargaining unit on September 1 of the same calendar year.

      3. an individual's standing as a continuing member of the bargaining unit shall not be affected by his/her transfer within the University, change in rank or status, or length of term of contract.

  2. For the period July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996, salaries of continuing members of the bargaining unit shall be adjusted in the following manner:

    1. Each continuing member of the bargaining unit shall have his/her salary increased by an amount equivalent to 2.5% of his/her 1994-95 base salary.

    2. In addition, an amount equivalent to 2.0% of the 1994-95 base salaries of continuing members of the bargaining unit in each college shall be allocated to a merit pool and divided within that college among continuing members of the bargaining unit in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.3.

    3. Each continuing member of the bargaining unit shall have his or her salary adjusted by the following amount based on the faculty member's rank as of July 1, 1995:

                                 Academic         Fiscal
                                 Year             Year
      Professor:                  $600            $735
      Assistant Professor:         300             365

    4. All increases will be effective July 1, 1995 for bargaining unit members on fiscal year contracts and September 1, 1995 for bargaining unit members on academic year contracts.

  3. Merit pay increases shall be awarded in a fashion which is consistent with the faculty member's performance as reflected in the annual evaluation conducted by the department chairperson or dean (in units where there are no chairpersons). A chair or dean shall consider in his or her evaluation of a faculty member's activities all evidence submitted by a faculty member which is consistent with written departmental criteria for merit pool allocations. (These written departmental criteria for merit pool allocations shall be consistent with the department's criteria for promotion and tenure). In the absence of such written criteria, the chair/dean shall use the department's criteria for promotion and tenure. The annual evaluation shall be based on criteria which have been clearly communicated to faculty members in advance of the period covered by the evaluation and which are consistent with the workload plans developed in accordance with Article 11.8 of this Agreement. The chair or dean shall communicate to each faculty member in his/her administrative unit the basis for the evaluation and shall review with a faculty member, upon request, information which indicates the correspondence between merit pay within the faculty member's department or comparable unit and evaluation ratings within that unit so that the faculty member may know whether his or her merit pay is consistent with the annual evaluation. Anonymous or confidential information shall not be used to evaluate a faculty member without that faculty member having the opportunity to respond to the substance of the information before the evaluation is complete. Merit increases are to be awarded solely on the basis of past performance in research, teaching and service (as referenced in Article 11.2).

  4. Promotion increments shall be adjusted to the following amounts effective July 1, 1994:

                                        Academic       Fiscal
                                        Year           Year
         Promotion to Ass't Professor   $2,150         $2,650
         Promotion to Assoc. Professor   2,850          3,500
         Promotion to Professor          3,550          4,350

    The promotion increments will be adjusted to the following amounts effective July 1, 1995:

                                        Academic       Fiscal
                                        Year           Year
         Promotion to Ass't Professor   $2,250         $2,750
         Promotion to Assoc. Professor   3,000          3,650
         Promotion to Professor          3,700          4,500

    The foregoing increments shall be effective on July 1 (for faculty members employed on fiscal year contracts) or September 1 (for faculty members employed on academic year contracts) following the promotion and shall be in addition to salary increases, including merit increases, awarded pursuant to Article 12.1 or 12.2.

  5. Roll up costs and increases in fringe benefits costs associated with University-paid portions of the benefit package as a result of Articles 12.1, 12.2, 12.4, and 12.6 shall be paid by the University.

  6. After the adjustments have been made in accordance with Articles 12.1, 12.3 and 12.4, the following salary minimums by rank shall be applicable effective July 1, 1994:

                                       Academic       Fiscal
                                       Year            Year
         Instructor/Lecturer           $23,000       $28,100
         Assistant Professor            31,500        38,500
         Associate Professor            40,000        48,900
         Professor                      49,100        60,000

    After the adjustments have been made in accordance with Articles 12.2, 12.3 and 12.4, salary minimums by rank shall be effective July 1, 1995:

                                      Academic        Fiscal
                                      Year            Year
         Instructor/Lecturer           $24,000       $29,300
         Assistant Professor            32,900        40,200
         Associate Professor            41,800        51,100
         Professor                      51,300        62,700

  7. It is recognized that situations may arise which will make it necessary for the University to make special salary adjustments for individual faculty members in addition to the annual increases provided in Articles 12.1 and 12.2. Such adjustments may be implemented by the University under the following situations:

    1. when a salary adjustment is necessary to correct a gross inequity including, but not limited to, situations of salary inversion and compression;

    2. when a salary adjustment is necessary to retain a faculty member at the University;

    3. when salary disparities occur, relative to market demands, which adversely affect the quality of an academic unit.

    Special salary adjustments implemented in either a department and/or college (or the equivalent unit(s)) shall conform to the procedures established in 12.3.

  8. Effective September 1, 1994 on-contract, full-time faculty teaching overloads (including Continuing Education, Special Sessions, and other overload teaching) will be paid 2.25% per credit hour of their base academic year salary, up to a ceiling equivalent to 2.25% per credit hour of the average salary at each rank in the prevailing year. The floor will be increased in each year at a rate equal to the across-the-board plus merit increases (excluding structural, promotional and other unique adjustments) as established in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

    Payments for full-time faculty on other than 9-month appointments will be paid based on their salary pro-rated to a 9- month basis.

    The applicable floor rates for the contract years 1994- 1995 and 1995-1996 are set forth in Appendix "B."

  9. Salary increases may not be awarded to members of the bargaining unit other than as required or permitted by Article XII without prior discussion with the University of Delaware Chapter of AAUP.

June 19, 1995