Article XI, Faculty Workload
University of Delaware
Collective Bargaining Agreement between
the University of Delaware and
American Association of University Professors,
University of Delaware Chapter
July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1996
- It is agreed by the parties hereto that the provisions
of this Article are intended for the sole purpose of maintaining
or enhancing the academic quality of the University. Except as
set forth in paragraphs 4 and 5, it is further agreed that this
Article shall not be used as a basis of limiting faculty workload
when such limitations would interfere with matters of academic
- Each academic department/unit will have approved
workload policies in place consistent with the "Workload Policy
Guidelines" issued on December 15, 1989. The policy must address
each component of the workload as defined in 11.3 below. The
composition of the workload, whether in terms of percentage of
effort, number of clock hours, number of credit hour equivalents,
or some other metric, must be specified in the unit's policy.
Departments/units may modify their policy at any time following
the procedures outlined in the above referenced Workload Policy
- Workload is defined as teaching, including instruction
in regular academic year courses with assigned credit hours and
mutually agreed upon instructional assignments, such as thesis,
dissertation, seminar and special problems supervision (workload
of faculty members on fiscal year contracts may include summer
session courses); research, including sponsored research,
advising; committee work; and University-administered,
consultative, and organized activities, not only inside but also
outside the University, when such activities by mutual agreement
bring benefit and/or prestige to the University.
- An individual's workload shall be assigned with the
expectation that the faculty member will have the opportunity to
meet the criteria for promotion and satisfactory peer review.
- Faculty will be on campus as required by their
- The planned student-bargaining unit faculty ratio will
not exceed 17.9 full-time graduate and undergraduate (A full-time
graduate student is one carrying nine (9) or more course credit
hours per semester, or a graduate teaching assistant or a
graduate research assistant. Full-time undergraduate students are
those carrying twelve (12) or more course credit hours per
semester.) students per member of the bargaining unit in the
University as a whole. It is fully agreed that these ratios may
vary from unit to unit within the University, and among faculty members.
- Except by mutual agreement the teaching and advisement
portion of each individual's workload will not average in excess
of 12 credit-contact hours or in excess of 18 teaching contact
hours per week per semester for the academic year, (Each hour
spent in scheduled classroom teaching counts as 1 credit-contact
hour. Each hour spent in scheduled laboratory, field or clinical
instruction and individual instruction counts as 1/2 credit-
contact hour. Scheduled individual special problems and theses
count as 1 credit-contact hour, and dissertations count as 2
credit-contact hours. Thirty full-time undergraduate advisees
are equivalent to 1/2 credit-contact hour. Each hour spent in
scheduled individual laboratory, field, studio, or clinical
instruction which requires the constant attendance of the faculty
member for the entire scheduled hours of instruction, and which
does not involve the participation of teaching assistants, counts
as one teaching contact hour per week.) nor shall the average
teaching load of the unit exceed the approved workload policy of
the unit. If a teaching assignment results in an overload, extra
compensation will be awarded at the prevailing rate. Overload
may not be assigned without consent of the individual.
- The department chairperson (or dean or director)
and faculty member will develop in writing a workload plan for
each semester at least two months prior to the beginning of the
semester. Every effort will be made to develop the workload plan
harmoniously. Faculty members and department chairpersons (or
deans or directors) are encouraged to develop a workload plan on
an administered basis, i.e. in any semester teaching duties of
individual faculty members may vary within a department (or unit)
to permit variations in emphasis on research and other aspects of
individual workload provided the total teaching and scholarly
needs of the faculty member and the department (or unit) are met.
- In developing a workload plan, courses will be
scheduled so that the anticipated enrollment in any course at the
500 level and above will not exceed 35.
- Department chairs/deans will apprise full-time
members of the department/college of CEND, Summer/Winter Sessions
courses, all S-Contract regular session courses and Study Abroad
teaching opportunities during the regular semesters or special
sessions (exclusive of language-based programs) in advance of
assignments to these programs and courses. These opportunities
will be broadly announced, and efforts will be made to staff
these programs and courses with appropriately qualified full-time
members of the department.
June 19, 1995