Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Delaware and American Association of University Professors, University of Delaware Chapter
July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1996
A grievant must initiate action under the appropriate step of the Grievance Procedure, in writing, within twenty-five (25) work days of the event which gives rise to the grievance or within twenty-five (25) work days after knowledge of the event is obtained or reasonably should have been obtained. For purposes of calculating time periods under the grievance procedure, University holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays shall not be counted as work days. Likewise, the periods encompassing Winter and Summer Session shall not be counted as work days unless failing to do so places an undue burden on either party or unreasonably delays the resolution of the grievance. Time limits are to be adhered to; however, they may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties in writing. It is the intention of the parties to agree to such extensions when they are justified by good and sufficient reason.
The written grievance must include (1) a statement of the action being grieved; (2) reference to the relevant articles of the collective bargaining agreement or Faculty Handbook and adequate identification of the specific past practices relied upon, if any; and (3) the remedy or relief sought. Upon request by the grievant, the affected administrator shall provide information relevant to the action being grieved. Any dispute as to requests for such information shall be resolved by the Vice President for Employee Relations.
The grievant shall be apprised of the bases upon which actions are taken during the grievance procedure. Evidence introduced at any step of the grievance procedure shall be provided simultaneously to the grievant, the administration, and when applicable, the members of the hearing panel.
The Dean or Director shall consider the appeal and any relevant information relating to the appeal, and shall reply in writing within twenty (20) work days of receipt of the appeal or within ten (10) days after meeting with the grievant and Chairperson to discuss the merits of the claims raised by the appeal and the appropriateness of the remedy sought, whichever is shorter. Copies of the decision shall be sent to the AAUP, the Chairperson, and the Vice President for Employee Relations.
The hearings shall be conducted with concern for due process. The grievant and the administrative representative shall be afforded the opportunity to testify, to call witnesses, and to introduce relevant documentary and other evidence in his/her behalf, as well as to confront and cross-examine all witnesses. The Vice President for Employee Relations, as well as the faculty members sitting with him/her, shall also have the right to question all witnesses.
The administration will, insofar as it is possible for it to do so, secure the cooperation of necessary witnesses. Where a witness cannot or will not appear and where it is determined that the interests of justice require admission of his/her testimony, the Vice President for Employee Relations will identify the witness, and, if possible, disclose his/her statement and provide for interrogatories. Testimony and arguments made during the hearing shall be recorded if requested by either party, and the tape together with all documentary and other evidence admitted during the hearing, shall be preserved for use as warranted if an appeal is taken to Step 4.
After discussing the matter with the hearing panel to determine if there is a consensus opinion which can be agreed upon, the Vice President for Employee Relations shall render his/her decision on the appeal, in writing, within ten (10) work days after the hearing with copies to the grievant, the AAUP, the Dean or Director, and the Chairperson. Either or both of the faculty members sitting on the hearing panel may, if they so choose, prepare a separate opinion stating his/her views, which opinion shall be appended to the decision of the Vice President for Employee Relations. It is understood that the Vice President for Employee Relations is not bound by the opinion of either or both faculty members on the panel.