Article VI, Bargaining Unit Membership List
University of Delaware
Collective Bargaining Agreement between
the University of Delaware and
American Association of University Professors,
University of Delaware Chapter
July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1996
The University will, within fifteen (15) days of the close
of late registration for the Fall Semester, transmit to the AAUP
a list stating the name of each faculty member then in the unit,
and will, by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the
effective date of any changes, send the AAUP a list of such
changes. Should the AAUP disagree with such lists, it may
request a meeting with the University, provided such request is
made within seven (7) work days, to discuss and agree upon
changes in the membership of the bargaining unit. A grievance by
a member of the bargaining unit or by the AAUP concerning the
interpretation, application or claimed violation of the
provisions of this Article may be introduced directly into Step 3
of the Grievance Procedure.
June 19, 1995