Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Delaware and American Association of University Professors, University of Delaware Chapter
July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1996
Excluded from the collective bargaining unit are: All administrative officers of the University, including department chairpersons, all administrative and professional staff, Center for Counseling and Student Development staff, all part-time faculty, adjunct faculty members, visiting faculty and all other professional employees not holding faculty rank, all nonprofessional employees and all supervisory employees.
The AAUP recognizes that, except as hereinafter specifically provided, the operations and administration of the University, including but not limited to, the right to make rules and regulations pertaining thereto, shall be fully vested in its board and the President, as the executive agent of the Board of Trustees and the chief administrative officer of the University, and their duly designated representatives. Except as hereinafter specifically provided, nothing herein stated shall be construed as a delegation or waiver of any powers or duties vested in the Board of any administrator by virtue of any provision of the laws of the State of Delaware or the Charter of the University.