Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Delaware and American Association of University Professors, University of Delaware Chapter
July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1996
1cr 2cr 3cr 4cr*** Instructor 805 1,610 2,415 3,220 Asst. Professor 935 1,870 2,805 3,740 Assoc. Professor 1,075 2,150 3,225 4,300 Full Professor 1,255 2,510 3,765 5,020 Lab Teaching 1,120
1cr 2cr 3cr 4cr*** Instructor 805 1,610 2,415 3,220 Asst. Professor 995 1,990 2,985 3,980 Assoc. Professor 1,245 2,490 3,735 4,980 Full Professor 1,705 3,410 5,115 6,820
** Any additional reimbursement for travel must be arranged in advance through the unit funding the overload.
*** Applies only if one instructor is teaching both lecture and laboratory of a 4-credit course. If laboratory is taught by different instructor, the lecturer receives the 3-credit course rate and the laboratory instructor the 1-credit rate.