VOLUME 16 #3

Current Messenger Print Cover


From UD to VP Joe Biden makes history
Bob Lyons

Excellence in horticulture

Well-known for its education and research in horticulture, the University has created an interdisciplinary Center for Public Horticulture to build on that rich history. Plans call for the new center to cultivate partnerships and collaborations and to provide formal and professional education in managing landscapes for the public good.

Brandon Bies

Breaking the silence

A top-secret World War II installation, which held some key German prisoners, recently gained public attention for the first time as doucments relating to it were declassified. The Americans who interrogated the prisoners, however, maintained their silence until Brandon Bies, AS'01, and the National Park Service began recording their stories.

Kathryn Martorana

Teaching and learning in Namibia

When Kathryn Martorana was an undergraduate, she studied abroad in South Africa and developed a keen interest in learning more about that part of the world. Now, through the World Teach organization, the 2007 graduate has spent a year in Namibia, educating children and exploring the culture. She shares some thoughts about her experience.

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