ONEcard distribution
Old UD#1Card identification cards will no longer work effective Dec. 31
12:56 p.m., Dec. 2, 2015--The University of Delaware ID Card Office is close to completing the distribution of the ONEcard, UD’s new contactless-enabled ID card.
An important deadline is approaching, as the oldest version of the UD ID card – the UD#1Card -- will be phased out at the end of 2015.
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These cards carry an image of Memorial Hall, and look like the left image above. Any member of the University community who is still carrying a UD#1Card is urged to visit the ID Card Office, located in the Student Services Building, prior to the end of the year. The UD#1Cards will become invalid, and will stop working as of Dec. 31.
The intermediate version of the UD ID card is the i-Card, pictured in the middle image above. These cards will continue to work until June 30, 2016, at which time they will be discontinued, as well. Those who still have an i-Card can visit the ID Card office at any time to upgrade to a new ONEcard.
The new ONEcard has been well-received, and many staff and students have commented on how easy it is to “tap and go” instead of having to swipe their card through a reader. Contactless technology is now available in turnstiles at the Carpenter Sports Building, gated parking facilities, residential dining halls and laundry rooms, door-access locations in many buildings, and numerous other uses.
New and expanded contactless applications are in the planning stages now, and will be rolled out over the coming months and years.
As contactless technology continues to spread across campus, it will be increasingly important for UD community members to have the contactless-enabled ONEcard so they can take advantage of the ease, convenience and increased security features of this technology.
The ONEcard is the official University of Delaware ID card, and it will replace all current and older versions of the ID card. It will automatically have any privileges and accesses that are already present on people’s existing ID card.
Dining meal plans, FLEX, parking, gym access and most other services are immediately updated on the new card. It will also continue to incorporate the traditional magnetic stripe, for locations and services that have not yet been converted to contactless, and can continue to function as a PNC debit/ATM card, if the holder has so elected.
The ID Card Office is located in the Student Services Building on Lovett Avenue, and can be reached at 302-831-CARD (2273). For more information, visit the website.