Play and Grow Together
University's Laboratory Preschool offers program for babies, young toddlers
10:12 a.m., April 30, 2013--The University of Delaware’s Laboratory Preschool is offering a new program called Play and Grow Together that encourages babies and young toddlers to increase their motor skills, communication, and social and emotional well-being through multisensory activities and materials.
Play and Grow Together is a Stay and Play program in which adult caregivers stay with their children, helping them to develop skills within focused program areas, such as music and movement, literacy and language, and social exploration.
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Under the direction and leadership of a highly qualified teacher, caregivers interact with their children through carefully planned activities including music with movement components, literacy experiences through language and print materials, and purposeful relationship building opportunities.
These exercises are designed to help caregivers aid their children in reaching their full potential in all developmental domains, both during the program and then at home.
The program also provides unique observation, field placement and research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. A partnership with New Directions Early Head Start will enhance the array of services that both programs provide to families of very young children.
Play and Grow Together is currently underway with a pilot Music and Movement program for infants from 4 months old until just walking. This six-week session is held on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Limited openings are still available.
This summer, programming will expand to two four-week sessions; Music and Movement for 6- to 15-month-olds and a literacy-based program for young toddlers.
In the fall, programs will be held once a week for a nine-week session.
More information and registration forms are available on the UD Laboratory Preschool’s website under programs.
About the Laboratory Preschool
The Laboratory Preschool is a nationally accredited, state licensed inclusive early education setting serving more than 60 children ages two to six and their families.
Located on UD’s Children’s Campus on Wyoming Road in Newark, the Lab Preschool offers part day programs for 2-4 year olds, full day programs for 4-6 year olds, and summer camp programs for 5-13 year olds. Openings are available. Call 302-831-2304 or visit the website.