Library launches 'Research Guides'
UD Library announces 'Research Guides' to replace online 'Subject Guides'
8:46 a.m., Sept. 1, 2011--The University of Delaware Library announces the launch of “Research Guides.” The new “Research Guides” replace “Subject Guides” with enhanced content, functionality and appearance.
“Research Guides” have been created by individual UD librarians and are designed to facilitate research and study by faculty and students on over 150 different topics.
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The “Research Guides” are organized in a tabbed format that appears near the top of each guide. On the “Research Guides” main page, the individual guides have been grouped under broad subject categories and can be accessed by clicking on the “+” box next to each broad category.
Also, appropriate “Research Guides” have been grouped under the various colleges for those users who are looking for information associated with a college or department.
The complete list of topics is available by clicking on “Browse All [current number of guides] Guides” next to the search box. Library users are encouraged to explore the “Research Guides” and bookmark appropriate ones.
“Research Guides” are available on the library home page or directly at guides.lib.udel.edu.
A mobile-friendly version of the University of Delaware Library web page is available directly at www.lib.udel.edu/m/.
For further information, library users can contact Erin Daix, associate librarian in the Collection Development Department, via telephone at 831-6943 or email at daix@udel.edu.