Expanding UD's global initiatives
New leadership at Institute for Global Studies
2:17 p.m., Sept. 27, 2011--The University of Delaware is expanding its emphasis on international research and education.
Leading the charge is Matthew Robinson, professor of business administration in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics and director of UD’s internationally known Sport Management Program, who has been named the new director of the Institute for Global Studies (IGS). He succeeds Lesa Griffiths, who has returned to the faculty of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources after nearly a decade of service.
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“Matt Robinson brings significant strengths as the new director of the Institute for Global Studies,” said Provost Tom Apple. “He has led world-class programs at UD and in nations around the globe in conjunction with the U.S. Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee. His expertise, entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm will help us continue the momentum of the Global Initiative in the University’s Path to Prominence and its goals to educate global citizens, extend UD’s geographic research, and develop strategic and active global partnerships.”
A member of the UD faculty since 2001, Robinson has led numerous global initiatives with his Olympic partners including the International Coaching Enrichment Certification Program (ICECP), which has graduated over 60 international coaches representing five continents, 45 countries and 10 sports during the past three years and that will host a class of 32 this coming fall. He also has engaged UD students in service learning projects that have used sports to bridge cultural differences among the immigrant community in Ireland, and funded and conducted research with graduate students in Turkey, Senegal and India.
Apple said: “Additionally, I want to thank Lesa Griffiths for her remarkable success in expanding faculty participation in the University’s study abroad program now widely viewed as a national model, securing funding for novel programs such as the Middle East Partnership Initiative, and engaging faculty and students in research and educational opportunities around the world. I know her many colleagues across the University join me in thanking her for a job well done.”
In recognition of the increasing international research by UD faculty and students, a new research component the Global Research Consortium will be incorporated into the IGS, Deputy Provost Nancy Brickhouse said.
“Nancy Guerra, associate dean for research in the College of Arts and Sciences, will direct the new Global Research Consortium to facilitate the identification of key areas of research and to develop collaborative research projects across all the colleges,” Brickhouse announced. “We are grateful for the collaboration and support of Dean Watson in the College of Arts and Sciences in helping to make this opportunity possible.”
Guerra is a professor of clinical/developmental psychology and an internationally known expert on youth development and violence prevention. Formerly a professor at the University of California, Riverside, she joined the UD faculty in August. She has had significant international experience, working on research projects in the Caribbean, Latin America and South Africa funded by the World Bank and other entities.
“We’re very excited about these developments in support of the University’s Global Initiative,” Brickhouse noted. “The IGS and its expanded dimensions are important for the University as a whole and will further our commitment to be the university of our aspirations.”
About the Institute for Global Studies (IGS): Established at the University of Delaware in 2009 and based in Elliott Hall, the IGS works with UD’s seven colleges to facilitate multidisciplinary academic programs; secure external funding for projects and services that enhance UD’s international academic and cultural climate; forge partnerships with academic institutions, governmental and non-governmental agencies, industries and civic groups worldwide; and support outreach projects that engage UD students and the greater community as global citizens.
About Matthew Robinson: Professor of business administration in UD’s Lerner College of Business and Economics and director of UD’s Sport Management Program, Robinson has led initiatives such as the International Coaching Enrichment Certification Program (ICECP) in conjunction with the U.S. Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee’s Olympic Solidarity unit. During the past three years, the program welcomed over 60 national coaches representing five continents, 45 countries and 10 sports. Robinson completed a sabbatical semester working with the U.S. Department of State in the area of sport diplomacy, and he is the president of the Delaware Sport Commission, established in 2009 to bid, recruit, and host regional and national sporting events to utilize sports facilities in Delaware to enhance economic development. He also is the director of coaching management for the National Soccer Coaches Association of America, and is a research fellow in the UD Center for Applied and Economic Research, which has conducted research on the development of women’s soccer internationally. He holds a doctorate in athletic administration from Temple University.
About Nancy Guerra: Professor of clinical/developmental psychology and associate dean of research in UD’s College of Arts and Sciences, Guerra is an expert on youth development and violence prevention, including bullying prevention programs. She has been the principal investigator for an Academic Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and has served on several national panels, including the President's Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. She is involved in research in the Caribbean, Latin America and South Africa funded by the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank. Currently the editor of the Journal of Research on Adolescence, Guerra received her doctorate from Harvard University.
Article by Tracey Bryant