UD figure skater wins bronze medal in Germany


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10:39 a.m., Sept. 30, 2010----Melissa Bulanhagui, a member of the University of Delaware Figure Skating Club who trains at UD's High Performance Figure Skating Center, won the bronze medal in the ladies event at the international Nebelhorn Trophy competition held Sept. 23-26 in Oberstdorf, Germany.

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Bulanhagui was the lone member of the U.S. skating team to medal in the event, which featured world-level and Olympic figure skaters. This was her first senior International Skating Union medal.

Kiira Korpi of Finland won the gold with 162.88 points, followed by Viktoria Helgesson of Sweden who won silver with 145.92 points. Bulanhagui took bronze with 133.72 points.

Bulanhagui, a part-time student at UD, is coached by Karen Ludington, Ron Ludington and Kat Arbour.

