March 4: UCSB's McMeeking to present Nowinski Lecture
Robert McMeeking


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9:12 a.m., Feb. 18, 2011----Robert M. McMeeking, a renowned mechanical engineer from the University of California Santa Barbara, will deliver the 2011 Jerzy L. Nowinski Distinguished Lecture at 10 a.m., Friday, March 4, in Room 205 Gore Hall on the University of Delaware campus in Newark.

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The lecture series was initiated in 1975 in honor of the late Jerzy L. Nowinski, who was H. Fletcher Brown Professor at the University of Delaware from 1961 to 1973 and is recognized for his contributions to applied mechanics.

Each year, one outstanding individual in this field is invited to present a lecture in the series, which is sponsored by UD's Department of Mechanical Engineering.

McMeeking's lecture will be on “Models for Lithium-Ion Battery Performance and Damage.” For details on the presentation, see the brochure in PDF format.

McMeeking joined the UC Santa Barbara faculty in 1985 and has served twice as chair of the university's Department of Mechanical Engineering.

In addition to his appointment at UC Santa Barbara, McMeeking is Sixth Century Professor of Engineering Materials at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland; visiting professor of materials engineering at the University of the Saarland, Germany; and external member of the Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Saarbruecken.

He has published more than 230 scientific papers on a variety of subjects in engineering science and solid mechanics. In 1998 he was advanced to fellow grade in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and in 2002 was recognized by the Institute for Scientific Information as a highly cited researcher in the fields of materials science and engineering.

McMeeking was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2005, and given the Brown Engineering Alumni Medal by Brown University in 2007. He is currently editor of the Journal of Applied Mechanics.
