UD's Fred Rust Ice Arena goes red for the holidays
The Fred Rust Ice Arena has gone red for the holidays.


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11:37 a.m., Dec. 23, 2010----The holiday rush may have some shoppers seeing red, but the folks at the University of Delaware Fred Rust Ice Arena have a better idea -- celebrate the spirit of the holiday season by painting the ice a nice coat of Christmas red.

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Jim Kaden, manager of the UD ice arenas, said that the idea of painting the ice red represents the spirits of Christmases present and past at the ice arena.

“Last year we painted the ice green and we had a lot of positive feedback from skaters,” Kaden said. “We decided this year to try another color, and picked red for the holiday season.”

'Tis also the season to be busy at the ice arena, and from Thursday Dec. 23, through New Year's Day, the arena is sure to be a favorite spot for young skaters enjoying their time off from school.

“We sold out our Holiday Hockey Camp, with over 60 kids, for the first time ever,” Kaden said, “and we are now accepting applications for our 'learn to skate' and 'learn to play hockey' classes, which begin the week of Jan. 4.”

Joining Kaden in applying the paint from the ice arena's regular supplier, Jetice, are Jeff Doucette, Eric Nelson and Stas Kukulka, as well as student employees.

An after-hours project slated for Wednesday, Dec. 22, painting the ice took several hours, and the ice will stay red until the evening of Jan. 1, when the Zamboni strips it back to it regular season appearance.

To see the complete holiday and winter public ice skating center schedule, visit the website.

Article by Jerry Rhodes
Photos by Ambre Alexander
