UD in the News, Nov. 20, 2009


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9:19 a.m., Nov. 20, 2009----UD in the News provides a roundup of recent news items about the University of Delaware, its faculty, students, staff and alumni.

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Charles Elson, Edgar S. Woolard Jr. Chair and director of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance, was quoted in a Nov. 19 Boston Globe article about Brian Moynihan, considered to be a leading candidate to replace Ken Lewis as Bank of America CEO, and in a Nov. 19 USA Today article about Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein. He also was quoted in a Nov. 17 CNNMoney article about the search for a new CEO to lead Bank of America, and in a Nov. 16 BusinessWeek article about governance practices at the California Public Employees' Retirement System.

Harsh Bais, assistant professor of plant and soil sciences, and Meredith Biedrzycki, a doctoral student in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, were cited in a Nov. 19 Wired magazine article about plants and siblings.

John Byrne, director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, was featured in a Nov. 18 News Journal article about solar power in Delaware. The story was accompanied by a photograph of solar panels that were recently installed at the University's dairy farm. Also, Byrne co-wrote a Delaware Voice opinion piece in the Nov. 15 News Journal about carbon emissions and the biosphere. It cites recent work at the University of Delaware, which has undertaken a Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by 2020.

Elena Delle Donne and the UD women's basketball team were featured in articles in the Nov. 18 Philadelphia Inquirer and News Journal, and on ESPN, as Delle Donne made her Blue Hens debut in a 77-64 victory over St. Francis.

David Plouffe, who attended UD and was a key leader in the campaign of President Barack Obama was quoted in a Nov. 18 News Journal article about U.S. Rep. Michael N. Castle and the coming U.S. Senate race. “I don't buy that Mike Castle can't be beat,” Plouffe said.

Ajay Prasad, professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Center for Fuel Cell Research, was cited in a Nov. 17 News Journal article and a Nov.16 WHYY article about UD's second hydrogen fuel cell bus.

Tesia Harris, of the UD women's basketball team, was cited in a Nov. 17 ESPN article about the national recruitment of her brother, Tobias Harris, also a gifted basketball player.

Christopher Christie, a UD alumnus recently elected governor of New Jersey, was featured in a Nov. 17 News Journal article that highlighted his strong feelings for his alma mater and the Blue Hens football team.

Richard Wool, professor of chemical engineering, was quoted in a Nov. 16 article by American University radio station WAMU about a Maryland man who is using plastic to create fuel.

Ben Yagoda, professor of English, was featured in a Nov. 15 News Journal article about his new book Memoir: A History. Also, he wrote a piece in the Nov. 15 Chronicle of Higher Education about the future of journalism in the digital age.
