Galonsky receives AUCD fellowship in disability policy
Paul Galonsky


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8:13 a.m., Dec. 23, 2009----Paul Galonsky, a graduate research assistant since September 2008 with the Healthy Delawareans with Disabilities project at the Center for Disabilities Studies in the University of Delaware's College of Education and Public Policy, has been awarded the 2010 Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Fellowship in Disability Policy.

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Galonsky, who will receive his master of public administration degree from the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy at Winter Commencement on Jan. 9, will begin the yearlong fellowship, based in Silver Spring, Md., in January.

The purpose of the fellowship is to offer a significant experience in national-level activities related to policy and legislative development, advocacy, program development, technical assistance, and association administration.

Galonsky said he is looking forward to pursuing his interest in health policy through his work at AUCD. The subject of his analytical paper for his master's degree was “Disability, Health, and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System: A Case Study for Utilizing Health Data to Develop Health Policy in Delaware.”

Galonsky was one of three recipients of the 2008 Ratledge Family Awards for Delaware Public Service. He received the award for his success in promoting good mental health in Delaware while employed by the Mental Health Association of Delaware (MHA).

As a program manager for the community outreach program at MHA, Galonsky developed numerous conferences and workshops, including the People of Color Mental Health Conference in Delaware.

His work also has been recognized nationally and by the city of Wilmington. Galonsky was campaign director for America's Campaign on Mental Health, sponsored by Mental Health America, and was outreach project manager for the National Institute of Mental Health's Outreach Partnership Program.

Article by Michele Sands
Photo by Ambre Alexander
