Protecting Your Computer Against Viruses and Other Rogue Programs

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How can one get rid of a virus?

You will need an anti-virus program to remove a virus from your computer. The University of Delaware provides anti-virus software for personal computers running the Windows and Macintosh operating systems.

After the installation of anti-virus software you will need to run a virus scan on your computer. McAfee VirsuScan 4.5 (Windows 95/98/ME) is automatically set to scan upon installation. McAfee VirusScan 7.x currently requires you to reboot your computer after the software is installed. You should then scan your system manually.

How can I keep my computer free from viruses?

A common component of anti-virus software is a "resident" program that checks files and disks for virus infections before letting you use them. (A "resident" program runs when you start your computer, and it continues to run "behind the scenes" while you use the computer.) If it finds something that seems to be infected, it will warn you and probably will not let you continue whatever you were doing until you fix the problem. You may need to run a separate program to remove the virus from the infected file(s) or disk(s).

Best Practices for Virus Prevention

  1. Keep your virus protection up-to-date. You are far more likely to get a brand new virus that has just emerged rather than an older one. If you install the UD-customized version of McAfee's anti-virus software, your copy will check for updates automatically.
  2. Keep your computer's operating system patched with all "Critical Updates." Windows users should follow the directions at Upating Windows XP and 2000 Operating Systems.
  3. Never Open Suspicious Attachments -- Assume that ANY attachment you receive may potentially be infected. Since most viruses come from an infected PC and its address book, viruses will most likely come from family, friends, or business associates. Delete any suspicious messages immediately from the inbox.
  4. McAfee VirusScan as distributed by UD scans your system for viruses monthly. If you wish to wish to scan your system more frequently, you can scan your system manually. Be forewarned that doing a complete scan can take up to several hours.
  5. Regularly back up your files. Should your system become infected, you won't lose your valuable data.

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Last updated: April 14, 2004
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