Where to Get More Information

This summary of UNIX commands provides a brief introduction which will help get you started with SAS on UNIX. For more information, you can check the links listed below.

Account Activation Select the "Activating ..." link.

Disk Quota This site contains a link for requesting a quota increase. (If it doesn't work, try the network page)

Change shell The first screen is the same as for disk quota. Select "Change your UNIX Login Shell." Then select the t-shell (/bin/tcsh). And be sure to logout when finished.

The T-shell supports use of arrow keys to recall and edit commands. The default C-shell (/bin/csh) does not.

Password Reset The first screen is a logon screen. This site contains several other links to system utilities. Be sure to logout when finished.

Unix Tips

Also, if you know the name of a UNIX command you can use the UNIX man command (man stands for manual). For example, to find out more about the UNIX copy command, called cp, type --

man cp
The result is a detailed description of the cp command. The descriptions sometimes are technical, however.

Features of UNIX

Unlike the Windows operating system, UNIX commands are typed at the prompt of a terminal window. Typing comands may seem awkward at first, but it often is much quicker to execute commands from a command prompt than with a window environment. The prompt for the UNIX machine named strauss is --

althought this may vary, and can be customized.

UNIX file names may contain as many as 255 characters, but most file names contain two parts, a root consisting of a few to several characters followed by an extension consisting of up to eight characters, although these conventions often are violated. The root and extension are separated by a period - root.ext. UNIX file names are case sensitive. So, for example, contents.sas is not the same as CONTENTS.SAS.

The UNIX file system is hierarchical, similar to Windows. Individual files are placed in directories, often called folders. Directory names consist of paths, with each subdirectory separated from the others in a path by a forward slash, for example -

indicates a directory named sasclass. The directory sasclass is a subdirectory of the user's home directory (the ~/ is a shorthand notation for the complete path defining your home directory, in this example - /home/usra/7d/32007/). UNIX directory paths contain no drive letters.

Type UNIX commands at the UNIX prompt. UNIX commands also are case sensitive. So, for example, ls is not the same as LS.

UNIX Exercise

Some useful/essential UNIX commands for statistical work are given in the UNIX exercises.

UNIX commands

Type the text in the blue boxes at the UNIX prompt.