Spyware and Malware

In addition to threats to your computer from viruses and trojan horses, your computer security and privacy are at risk in other ways when you connect to the Internet. Two of these threats are applications called spyware and malware.

What are spyware and malware?

Applications such as spyware and malware are installed on your computer—typically without your knowledge—to gather and refer information about you to advertisers and other interested parties. Without your knowledge, spyware and malware can be easily installed when you access certain web sites or download certain programs (e.g., file sharing applications).

These applications do a number of things besides gathering information about you. For example, they can do the following:

A number of free applications are available to help you prevent spyware and malware from infecting your computer. A number of applications are also available to detect and remove spyware and malware from your computer.

Check the links below for more information about these applications for the type of computer you use:

UD Code of the Web Page
UD Computer Security Home Page

Last updated: October 27, 2008