University of Delaware

Lutheran Campus Ministry

Chaplain Mindy Holland •

247 Haines Street • (302) 368-3078


Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) brings students together who are interested in the Lutheran "take" on a spiritual journey that follows the way of Jesus Christ. LCM meets at Pauls' Chapel on Tuesday nights from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM for dinner and worship. Students also meet to study, engage in service projects, participate in retreats, and enjoy social events. All are welcome!

Chaplain Mindy Holland • Lutheran

Mindy Holland
I serve as a Diaconal Minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and feel most at home at the intersection of faith and education. The Lord has filled my heart with a love for prayer, engaging in deep conversations, sharing hospitality, building community, and walking with others midst seasons of discernment. I delight in exploring Scripture in community and hearing how Jesus is at work in others’ lives and experiences. I also love good questions, both asking and receiving them!