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More than 500 members of the UD community gathered for the mid-day
memorial service. |
Sept. 11, 2002--One year after the University community came together
in shock and grief at the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, students,
faculty and staff gathered again to reflect and remember.
“Our purpose is to remember those who died, to celebrate the heroes
whose actions prevented even greater tragedies and to help set the course—a
course for a world free of outrages of the sort that occurred on that day
of infamy,” President David P. Roselle said in welcoming an audience of
500 to Wednesday’s interfaith service.
The service, “A Day of Remembrance and Hope,” was held at 12:30 p.m.
in Mitchell Hall and was sponsored by the Religious and Spiritual Life
Concerns Caucus and the University Religious Leaders Organization.
A second ceremony, a Candlelight Commemoration, began at 6 p.m., with
discussion groups convening afterward.
The midday service included musical selections performed by UD musicians
and readings by students, faculty and religious leaders representing the
diverse faith communities at the University. The observance began with
the opening hymn “For the Healing of the Nations” and concluded with the
singing of “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”
A montage of photographs showing images of last Sept. 11 and its aftermath
was shown before and after the service. Assembled by Ralph Begleiter, Rosenberg
Professor of Communication and Distinguished Journalist in Residence, the
montage depicted such varied images as the devastation at the World Trade
Center site, the candlelight vigil outside UD’s Memorial Hall last year,
international expressions of sympathy for the United States, flag-draped
caskets of fallen firefighters in New York and warfare in Afghanistan.
Jeanne Murray Walker, professor of English, read three poems she
had written about 9/11. |
The Rev. Laura Lee Wilson of the Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry,
chair of the Religious and Spiritual Life Concerns Caucus, spoke of the
events of a year ago, recalling how the University community gathered in
search of comfort, support, hope and peace.
“The shocking events that took place at the Pentagon, the World Trade
Center and in the field of Pennsylvania seemed as if, for a brief time,
evil prevailed,” she said. “However, people have come together, calling
upon the God who has many names, the God of many colors and the God of
all nations. We have called upon one another to provide the strength and
the wisdom to bring peace to all God’s people through the healing of body,
mind and spirit.”
Wilson also read a list of names of UD alumni killed in the terrorist
attacks, as well as those of alumni and friends of the University who lost
family members. In addition, she noted, at least 12 current students suffered
the loss of loved ones.
Erin Karnik of the Baha’i Student Group, read from the Baha’i Prayer
Book: “Unlock the gates of true understanding and let the light of faith
shine resplendent. Gather all people beneath the shadow of Thy bounty and
cause them to unite in harmony….”
Richard Heller of Hillel recited the Hebrew “Mourner’s Kaddish,” including
(in English translation), “May the Source of peace send peace to all who
mourn, and comfort to all who are bereaved.” That prayer was followed by
a reading from the Koran by Shahida Dar of the Muslim Student Association.
In other readings from the religious communities, Kimberly S. Zitzner
of Thomas More Oratory quoted from “The Prayer of St. Francis,” and Bill
McCracken of the Delaware Zen Group read from “Teaching of a Zen Master.”
Members of the UD Gospel Choir performed “My Life is in Your Hands.” |
In addition to hymns, musical selections at the service included “My
Life Is in Your Hands,” performed by members of the UD Gospel Choir, and
the spiritual “We Shall Overcome,” sung by Prof. Marie Robinson and music
student Gus Mercante, which concluded with the phrase, “We shall live in
peace someday.”
Jeanne Murray Walker, professor of English, read three poems she has
written about the Sept. 11 tragedies, “Ground Zero,” “Analysis” and “Night
Light.” “Ground Zero” begins:
It has thrown the whole continent out of whack,
shown us our little lives. Our tiny jobs and ideas. …
and continues:
Maybe tinyness is a language I have spoken my whole life.
Now light is leaving this side of the world.
I watch cars pour like lava into the ear
Of the Lincoln Tunnel. It’s true. It’s true.
Everything is smaller than I thought.
As I unlock my door at the hotel, my heart is all wish.
Article by Ann Manser
Photos by Kathy Flickinger