Secure UD Training
Our community and our University are targeted by hackers every day. In order to empower you with the knowledge and skills to protect yourself and the University from cyber risks, University of Delaware Information Technologies has partnered with KnowBe4 to offer Secure UD Training.
Earn a Certificate of Completion for the new training courses.
Secure UD Training’s new content and design makes it easy to complete your core courses, with the ability to speed up playback and to resume videos where you left off. The skills these courses cultivate are applicable in the office, as well as at home.
Note: If you are required to take the SecureUD Training, you would have received an enrollment notification email from noreply@sumtotalsystems. If you log into KnowBe4 and there is no training listed, don't be alarmed, this is an indicator that you are not required to take the training.

Log in to Secure UD Training
Secure UD Training help
For more information about how Secure UD Training works and how you can get the most out it, read the information below.
Logging in
Secure UD Training is accessed through ConnectingU, the University's learning portal. A link to ConnectingU is always available from this webpage. ConnectingU will authenticate you and provide the current information for completing training.
ConnectingU uses the University of Delaware's Central Authentication Service. Sign in to ConnectingU using your UDelNet ID and password, plus your two-factor authentication (2FA) code.
Training components
Secure UD Training is released in two components each year. This approach helps organize training into more convenient chunks. The two components are:
Everyone is strongly encouraged to complete each component of training as it becomes available.
Training courses
Secure UD Training is modular and self-paced. You have the ability to speed up playback and to resume videos where you left off. Each module consists of a brief 1-5 minute video and incorporates interactive activities.
Enrolled employees are assigned Security Awareness training which covers core topics that are relevant to a broad range of University information security needs. You'll also have access to the Restricted Intelligence episodes.
Completing training and getting your certificate
In order to complete the Security Awareness Training, you need to watch the videos and participate in the interactive activities.
When the Security Awareness Training is marked completed, you then can download your certificate from the training module. Everyone is encouraged to make training completion a goal; be your unit's security champion! (Secure UD Training looks great on performance appraisals, too!)
Compliance-based training
Some unit heads may require their employees to complete certain training courses based on their job responsibilities. For example, employees working with Protected Health Information (PHI) subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) may be required to complete the HIPAA training course.
Your unit head will let you know about any specialized training requirements in your unit.
You may also choose to complete optional training courses that you feel will help you be more effective in your role.
Requesting completion reports (unit heads)
Unit heads may request a report of training completion within their units by submitting a service request.
Contact support
If you have questions about Secure UD Training, contact IT Security by emailing