University of Delaware

Secure UD News May 2024

In this edition, read about how to “spring clean” your data by implementing a secure data cleanup strategy, why phishing campaigns are so crucial to our security posture at UD, a cautionary tale of attempted—and eventually, defeated—cyber fraud, and a new phishing alert feature coming soon to your inbox.

The Digital Declutter: “Spring Cleaning” Your Data for Enhanced Security

In today's digital age, we generate and accumulate data at an unprecedented rate. From emails and documents to photos and social media posts, our personal and professional lives are intertwined with a vast amount of information. While convenient, this ever-growing data sprawl also presents a significant security risk. Unmanaged and uncleaned data can become a breeding ground for vulnerabilities, attracting malicious actors and compromising your privacy.

Learn how to implement a secure data cleanup strategy to protect yourself and your valuable information.


The Importance of Phishing Campaigns

Have you noticed how many emails you get every day? We receive on average 100 to 120 emails per day, and, astoundingly, 1 in every 99 of those emails is a phishing attack. With the advancement of technology and free resources available on the Internet, malicious actors are getting better at outsmarting even the most advanced security systems and exploiting the weakest link in the cybersecurity ecosystem—humans.

See why we conduct phishing campaigns at UD and how you can help prevent future phishing attacks.


It Happened to Us

Cyber fraud seemingly comes out of nowhere—strange text messages and emails, unexpected sign-in alerts and notices of password changes, unrequested Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) codes, subscriptions you didn’t sign up for, getting locked out of your email accounts—and if you’re not paying attention to the warning signs, you could become the next victim.

Know the network security risks for remote work and how to mitigate them with best practices and policies.


New Phish Alert Button

In the coming months, UDIT will be rolling out an exciting new feature through our security awareness and phishing platform, Knowbe4. This new feature is the Phish Alert Button (PAB), and it will be enabled for both Gmail and Exchange users. phishing alert button The PAB will provide users a quick and safe way to forward email threats to the Information Security team for analysis. It will also provide reporting metrics and automatically delete the suspected email from the user's inbox to prevent future exposure. Be on the lookout for an email from IT announcing the launch.

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