University of Delaware

Secure UD


Buying smart toys? Make smart choices


Traveling this holiday season?


Quick tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping


Other news & updates

  • NCSAM prize winners | Congrats to Chuming Chen, Mesut Karakoc, Junny Leaberry, Eileen Moye, our NCSAM 2018 contest winners. Thanks for your dedication to cybersecurity!
  • Secure UD Survey | Share your thoughts: complete this quick survey!
  • Beware email fraud | Our community is reporting a resurgence in phishing emails imitating University leadership.
  • CISO search | UD is interviewing final candidates for the Chief Information Security Officer position. Find more information, view recorded sessions, and submit feedback online.


What we're reading

I never felt more like singing the Black Friday blues (Forbes)

A recent survey of UK shoppers reveals a surprising trend away from online shopping during the holidays, citing a lack of trust that retailers would adequately protect consumers' data. 45% of surveyed shoppers flatly refuse to shop online on Black Friday. Forbes warns, "Consumers, like all internet users, need to be security savvy the whole year round."

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