Secure UD Security Plan Tool
The Secure UD Security Plan Tool is a tool to assist your unit in developing and maintaining your unit information security plan. It is based on the Secure UD Data Governance & Security Program (Secure UD DGSP) and contains a template with guidance and recommended wording.
A formal unit information security plan provides necessary guidance to unit employees regarding how IT resources are to be secured. It establishes a baseline for information security and risk management within your unit and clarifies, in writing, the security expectations for unit employees.
By highlighting key information security concerns and providing sample responses, the Secure UD Security Plan Tool assists you in thinking holistically about information security in your unit and, more specifically, about what your unit's information needs are and how they might be met with a minimum of risk to your unit, the University, and anyone represented by that information.
The Secure UD Security Plan Tool is available as part of the Secure UD Toolkit.

Units are required by security control IS 2.1.1 to develop, implement, and maintain an information security plan. Unit information security plans must, at a minimum, describe how the unit will comply with the requirements of the Secure UD DGSP and what resources it uses to do so.
Intended audience: Unit heads
Estimated time to complete: 1-3 hours
Other materials necessary: Secure UD Data Governance & Security Program (optional)