University of Delaware

Gifts Used for Research-Related Purposes

Gifts to the University of Delaware (UD) which are to be used for research-related (RR) investigations and/or activities should be directed to the Research Office (RO) for evaluation, and for possible oversight, to help ensure that gift usages will be compliant with U.S. export control and trade sanctions (EC&TS). All UD research-related investigations and/or activities, including those using resources originating from gifts to UD, must be performed consistent with OFAC, ITAR and EAR requirements.

Researchers conducting RR investigations and/or activities using items-of-value acquired from gifts to the University (both monetary and research-related non-monetary) shall 1) have their planned RR investigation and/or activity evaluated by the RO for EC&TS compliance, and 2) if the RO deems it necessary, obtain a written statement of support/approval from the associated-departmental chair and associated-college dean for the planned RR investigation and/or activity.

After receipt of the associated-departmental and associated-college support/approval statement, final UD support/approval for the planned investigation and/or activity will be determined by the UD Vice President for Research, Scholarship & Innovation and the UD Provost.

As with all UD research-related investigations and/or activities, the University may determine that institutional-EC&TS compliance requires written institutional-oversight plans or export-licenses. All research-related uses of resources stemming from gifts to UD are evaluated by the RO on a case-by-case basis.

Questions regarding gifts to UD to be used for research-related investigations and/or activities should be submitted to


  • UD Research  •   210 Hullihen Hall  •   Newark, DE 19716  •   USA
    Phone: (302) 831-2136  •   Fax: (302) 831-2828  •   © 2015