University of Delaware


CHEM 874 
Surface Structure and Chemistry


The first lecture is scheduled for Thursday, August 30, 2012 in 205 Brown Lab, 6:30-9:30 pm.  It will be mostly a preview. 

Lecture/Lab schedule: Thursdays: 6:30-9:30 pm, 205 BrL


A suggested text is: Yip-Wah Chung “Practical Guide to Surface Science & Spectropscopy”, Academic Press 2001, ISBN: 0-12-174610-0

Any other text on surface structure and spectroscopy will be useful, including:

Gabor A. Somorjai “Surface Chemistry and Catalysis”,

Arthur W. Adamson and Alice P. Gast “Physical Chemistry of Surfaces”,

Kurt W. Kolasinski “Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience

Peter R. Griffiths and James A. de Haseth “Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectropmetry


For computational topics with Gaussian suite of programs:

James B. Foresman and AEleen Frisch “Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods”



August 30

Introduction. Surface science and its subjects. Vacuum. Vacuum pumps. Vacuum measurement.

September 6

Surface structure of single crystals. Low energy electron diffraction.

September 13

Mass spectrometry and thermal desorption. Thermodynamics and kinetics of surface reactions.

September 20

Laboratory work on thermal desorption.

September 27

Surface atoms and surface concentration. Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

October 4

AES - Laboratory

October 11

Vibrational spectroscopy

October 18

Vibrational spectroscopy laboratory

October 25

Microscopic analytical techniques

November 1

Theoretical surface chemistry

November 8

Theoretical surface chemistry

November 15

Theoretical surface chemistry

November 22

Thanksgiving Day recess.

November 29

Student presentations

December 6

Student presentations Summary and review for the final exam.

Finals week

Take-home final exam, 24 hours window


A take-home final exam will be given during the finals week

Selected PDF Files of the Lecture Notes:
Lecture on LEED
Lecture on TPD
Lecture on AES/XPS
Lecture on vibrational spectroscopies

Text: The course will be based on several books, scienitific publications and other materials. The principle text is: "Practical Guide to Surface Science & Spectroscopy" by Yip-Wah Chung (Academic Press, 2001) but it is not required. Other well known surface chemistry textbooks will be helpful.

Course: The course will cover structure and chemical properties of solid surfaces. It will involve lectures and laboratory work in a surface science facility of Professor Teplyakov. Lectures will be followed by practical applications of the following techniques: Auger electron spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, temperature-programmed reaction/desorption mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy. Three lectures in October will cover several examples of computational methods in surface science. These lectures will be followed by a laboratory work (computational homework).

Grading: Final score will be based on class participation and homework (including homework calculations), computational midterm problem,  in-class presentations on the surface analytical techniques, and the final exam.


Grade Weights:

class participation and homework         (10% of final grade)

presentations                                        (25% of final grade)

computational problem                         (25% of final grade)

final exam                                           (40% of final grade)

Grade Cutoffs: (in percentages of total points at end of semester)

A greater than 90%

B greater than 70%

C greater than 55%

D greater than 45%

F below 45%

Note:  These are the percentages for the lowest grade in the category; these are for the "unsigned" grades.  No "curve" is used in this course, nor is there any predetermined quota for any grade: I shall (happily) give all A's or (unhappily) all F's, if the grades are earned.