Oct. 25, 2019
Dear UD Community,
The University of Delaware has begun a self-study process as part of our accreditation review by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. This essential step examines how we are meeting the Commission’s standards, and it provides an opportunity to reflect on our work and effectiveness. We need your input, and we invite the entire UD community to participate in this process.
Working groups have been gathering and analyzing information with regard to how UD meets the Commission’s standards. In 2020, the groups will summarize their findings and recommendations. The Middle States committee, co-chaired by Deputy Provost Lynn Okagaki and Dean Mark Rieger, wants to hear from all UD students, faculty and staff through a series of surveys and Town Hall meetings. Surveys for faculty, staff, academic units and programs are available now; student surveys will be available early in November. Town Hall meetings are planned for April 10th, 17th and 24th. In May, the working groups will submit their final reports to the Steering Committee, and these documents will comprise the self-study narrative. The process culminates in a visit by the Middle States External Review Team in spring 2021.
Your participation in the accreditation process will provide the University with valuable information and insights. Please visit udel.edu/middlestates to offer your input. We appreciate your time and attention to ensure that, together, we continue to advance the University of Delaware.
Dennis Assanis President |
Robin Morgan Provost |