The Web Proxy Server


Where to Find the Web Proxy Server
Web Proxy Server: Instructions
Common Problems and Questions
Other Resources
If you still need help...

The Web Proxy Server: Description

What is the Web Proxy Server?

The Web Proxy Server is a resource that provides access to materials previously available only through a direct connection to the campus network.

If, instead, you use an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to reach the campus network, you will now be able to use restricted UD Library databases if you configure your web browser to use UD's Web Proxy Server. (To configure your browser, read the instructions on the IT Help Center's web page--

UD's Web Proxy Server only works with Netscape Navigator and Netscape Communicator.

Note: If you are using an ISP, you may not be able to get to the Electronic Community Citizenship Exam (ECCE). In this case, you will have to take ECCE from a UD computing site.

The UD Web Proxy Server will not work if you are connecting from behind your company's firewall.

Web Proxy Server: Contents

Where to Find the Web Proxy Server

The Web Proxy Server is available on the University's central UNIX server. To access the Web Proxy Server, you must use the Netscape browser software (any version from 2.x to the latest version).

The Web Proxy Server will not work with Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Web Proxy Server: Contents

Web Proxy Server: Instructions

Enabling the Web Proxy Server

To enable the server, set your browser to "Automatic Proxy Configuration."

To do this with Netscape Navigator versions 2.x and 3.x :

Note: If you fail to click "Reload", you will see the following error message, "Server sent an unrequested proxy automatic configuration file to Netscape: Configuration file will be ignored." Click on "Reload" to fix the problem.

To set your browser to "Automatic Proxy Configuration" with Netscape Navigator 4.0 (and later):

Using the Browser

Use the browser as you normally do. You will be asked to "authenticate" when you first start up the Netscape browser. You may authenticate in either of the following ways:

1. Use your SSN (usually this is the same as your student or employee ID) and UD PIN to authenticate.


2. Use your UNIX account name and password. The account name can be either your alphabetic "username" or your five-digit user number.

After you complete the authentication process, you will be able to use the databases that are normally restricted to the University of Delaware campus.

Web Proxy Server: Contents

Common Problems and Questions

This page is not currently available for this subject.

Web Proxy Server: Contents

Other Resources

Web Proxy Server: Contents

If you still need help...

Contact the University of Delaware IT Help Center by phone (831-6000) or by e-mail.

Web Proxy Server: Contents
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Last modified: September 16, 1997.
This page maintained by Richard Gordon.
Copyright © University of Delaware 1997.
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