Hints for Problem Set 7

Last revised 1999/10/05

Chapter 7

HRW pp. 149-154 # 24, 27, 29, 31, 40, 50.
Sheet # XII.

I will put up additional hints on request.

24. No hint.

27. No hint.

29. No hint.

31. |F| |r| cos (theta) = F . r = Fx rx + Fy ry + Fz rz

40. Do the parts in order. What does part (b) have to do with part (c)?

50. You can look up the definition of horsepower on the back cover, but you don't need to know what the size of one horsepower is in order to work this problem.

XII. If at all possible, use a graphing program to set up part (a). You will need the integral of eax ; you can deduce it if necessary from the formula d/dx (eax ) = a eax .