Exam Information

Last revised 1999/08/20

Index to Old Exams

Go to copy of First Exam for

Fall, 1998
Fall, 1997
Fall, 1996
Fall, 1995
Fall, 1994
Spring, 1993
Fall, 1991
Fall, 1990
Fall, 1989
Fall, 1988
Spring, 1986
Answers to a few of the exam problems

Go to copy of Second Exam for

Fall, 1998
Fall, 1997
Fall, 1996
Fall, 1995
Fall, 1994
Spring, 1993
Fall, 1991
Fall, 1990
Fall, 1989
Fall, 1988
Spring, 1986

Go to copy of Third Exam for

Fall, 1998
Fall, 1997
Fall, 1996
Fall, 1995
Fall, 1994
Spring, 1993
Fall, 1991
Fall, 1990
Fall, 1989
Fall, 1988
Spring, 1986

Exam Scales

CODE #Exam 1Exam 2Exam 3

Exam 3 Results:

031871 67
052681 100
090754 95
121397 81
154742 100
215215 71
512947 59
992555 99
1700279 71
2349212 100
7358065 89
9920799 89
bacalao 99
SMOC66bm 86

A 90
B 80
C 65
D 49