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Honorary Degree, Doctor of Science

Donald L. Sparks

Renowned scholar, you earned your bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Kentucky and your doctorate from Virginia Tech. In 1979, you began teaching at the University of Delaware, where you are currently a Professor of Plant and Soil Science, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. You are also the Francis Alison Professor and the Unidel S. Hallock du Pont Chair of Soil and Environmental Chemistry.

You are an internationally prominent scholar in the field of environmental soil science who has pioneered advanced techniques to study soil chemistry and physical chemistry and the effects of contaminants on plants and drinking water. You have worked with researchers in U.S. national academies and around the world and have been an invited lecturer at countless universities. The author of three widely adopted soil science textbooks, you have also published dozens of edited books and book chapters and hundreds of refereed papers. Your contributions to professional organizations and your honors are legion.

Influential member of the UD community, you were instrumental in building the soil science program at UD. You were also an integral part of the establishment of the Institute for Soil and Environmental Quality and the Center for Critical Zone Research as well as the Delaware Environmental Institute, for which you served as founding director. During your illustrious career, you have been the recipient of more than $100 million in grant funding to support your research.

Dedicated mentor, you have said that mentoring and advising graduate students has been the most satisfying aspect of your career, and indeed, you have worked with more than 100 graduate students who have gone on to lauded careers. You were recently named a Hagler Institute Fellow, selected to mentor students and faculty in research at Texas A&M University.

You have invested in future generations of faculty and students through your philanthropy. You established the Donald L. and Joy G. Sparks Early Career Professorship in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at UD to support young faculty. You have also contributed to a graduate student fellowship in soil sciences and an undergraduate student scholarship.

            Your research, your mentorship, and your contributions to UD, to Delaware, and to the worldwide soil science community are widely hailed.

Therefore, under the authority of the Board of Trustees of the University of Delaware, I have the honor of conferring on you, Donald L. Sparks, the degree of Doctor of Science. In testimony thereof, I am pleased to present to you this diploma.

Terri L. Kelly
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
May 25, 2024