February 22, 2006
Mitchell Hall
Newark, DE
Former founder & Director, Human Rights Watch & ACLU
Aryeh Neier has been President of the Open Society Institute since 1993. Previously, he served for 12 years as Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, and spent 15 years at the American Civil Liberties Union, including eight years as national Executive Director. Mr. Neier has served as an Adjunct Professor of Law at New York University for more than a dozen years. Mr. Neier, a naturalized American, was born in Nazi Germany and became a refugee at an early age. He is the recipient of six honorary doctorates and the American Bar Association’s Gavel Award.
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March 8, 2006
GLOBAL POLICEMAN: U.S. role & responsibility
Mitchell Hall
Newark, DE
Former UN Undersecretary General
Olara A. Otunnu is widely recognized for his contributions to international peace and security, conflict prevention, reform of multilateral institutions, human rights, and the future of Africa. He is the President of LBL Foundation for Children, an independent international organization devoted to promoting protection, hope, healing and rehabilitation for children in communities devastated by war. From 1997 to 2005, Mr. Otunnu served as the UN Under-Secretary General and Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, where he spearheaded the international campaign to develop and mobilize international action on behalf of children exposed to war. He served as Minister for Foreign Affairs of Uganda from 1985 to 1986.

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March 22, 2006
Mitchell Hall
Newark, DE
STEALTH DISEASES: challenges from Africa
Executive Director, African Medical Research Foundation, former International Rescue Committee
Lisa Meadowcroft has worked in the international relief and development field for more than 12 years. She is currently the executive director of the American affiliate of the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF USA), the largest non-governmental health development organization based in Africa and staffed almost entirely by Africans. Previously, she worked for the International Rescue Committee, the largest U.S. organization serving refugees worldwide. She has witnessed the devastating effects of war in countries like Bosnia, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Northern Uganda and Southern Sudan -- and the indomitable spirit and courage of families throughout the developing world.
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April 5, 2006
Mitchell Hall
Newark, DE
co-founder, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
Gal Luft is co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS) and co-chair of the Set America Free Coalition. He specializes in strategy, geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East and energy security. Dr. Luft testified before committees of the U.S. Congress, including Senate Foreign Relations, House Foreign Relations, House Science and the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. He holds degrees in international relations, international economics, Middle East studies and strategic studies and a doctorate in strategic studies from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS,) Johns Hopkins University.
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April 10, 2006
Mitchell Hall
Newark, DE
US Ambassador to the United Nations
John Bolton has spent many years of his career in public service. Prior to his appointment to the U.N. ambassadorship during a congressional recess in 2005, Mr. Bolton was Senior Vice President of the American Enterprise Institute, a nonprofit public policy center in Washington. He was Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affair, 1989-1993; Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, 1985-1989; Assistant Administrator for Program and Policy Coordination, U.S. Agency for International Development, 1982-1983; General Counsel, U.S. Agency for International Development, 1981-1982.
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May 3, 2006
Mitchell Hall
Newark, DE
NETHERWORLD THREATS: an intelligence agency view
Former Acting Director and Deputy Director, CIA
John McLaughlin was acting director of the CIA from July to September 2004 and had served as deputy director since October 2000. Prior to that, he was deputy director for Intelligence, vice chairman for Estimates and acting chairman of the National Intelligence Council. McLaughlin’s CIA career spanned more than 30 years, starting in 1972 with a focus on European, Russian and Eurasian issues in the Directorate of Intelligence.
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May 17, 2006
Mitchell Hall
Newark, DE
MIDDLE EAST: below-the-radar
Brookings Institution, former National Security Council and CIA analyst
Kenneth M. Pollack is director of research at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. From 1995 to 1996 and from 1991 to 2001, he served as director for Gulf affairs at the National Security Council, where he was the principal working-level official responsible for implementation of U.S. policy toward Iran. Prior to his time in the Clinton administration, he spent seven years in the CIA as a Persian Gulf military analyst. He is the author of The Threatening Storm and Arabs at War. He lives in Washington, D.C.
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