Former chief weapons inspector in Iraq to speak April 28
Kay resigned from the CIA job earlier this year after his team of experts in the Iraq Survey Group found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Kay, who also served as the chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War, was once held captive in Iraq for four days. The lecture is part of UDs Global Agenda lecture series on Enemies List: Not Always What They Seem scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Wednesdays, in Mitchell Hall. During the lectures, which are free and open to the public, internationally recognized experts in foreign affairs will highlight topics ranging from terrorism to nuclear disarmament. Upcoming lectures include:
The lecture series is organized by Ralph Begleiter, UDs Rosenberg Professor of Communication and distinguished journalist in residence, and cosponsored by the University of Delaware and the World Affairs Council of Wilmington. For more information on the speakers and their subjects, visit [www.udel.edu/global/agenda/2004/]. Article by Martin Mbugua To learn how to subscribe to UDaily, click here. |