From fth@UDel.Edu Date: Sunday 28 March 2004 14:00 (EDT)
From: Fred T. Hofstetter 
To: ed-tech-doctoral@UDel.Edu, ed-tech-masters@UDel.Edu
Subject: Summer 2004 Course Scheduling Advice

Greetings to all ed tech graduate students at the University of Delaware!
I am writing to provide you with course scheduling advice for the upcoming
Summer session 2004. As always, you should check with your advisor each 
semester to confirm that your course selection is in line with your 
particular program. This course advisory contains sections for M.Ed. 
Students, M.I. Students, and Ed.D. Students, respectively.

                  ===Courses for M.Ed. Students=== 

All M.Ed. students are required to take the following curriculum course, 
which is being offered during the Summer of 2004:

    EDUC 640 Introduction to Curriculum

From the ed tech specialty, all M.Ed. students must take the following 
course that is being offered in the Summer of 2004: 

    EDUC 685 Multimedia Literacy 

There is also a wide range of ed tech electives that are being offered
as part of the Summer Institute. Of these, the following count as
ed tech specialization electives:

    Offered in Newark:

    EDUC 667-045 Implementing Middle School Mathematics Using Technology
    EDUC 639-040 Internet Technologies
    EDUC 667-014 Introduction to Networking in Education 
    EDUC 652-010 Introduction to Technology in Special Education and Rehab
    EDUC 667-040 K-12 Technology Integration
    EDUC 667-015 Technology Integration in Secondary Social Studies
	Offered in Newark and in Georgetown:
    EDUC 639-010 and 011 Technology Planning 
    EDUC 632-040 and 041 Using the Internet for Curriculum Applications

    Online Option:

For students who cannot make it physically to campus, EDUC 639-040 and
EDUC 685-040 have an online option. To take the course online, register 
for it as usual, then send e-mail to the course instructor
(yours truly) letting me know that you want to take it online.

See for more information
about the Summer Institute courses.

                  ===M.I. Students=== 

All M.I. Students must take either EDUC 600 (Teacher as Researcher) or EDUC
629 (Psychology of Teaching). EDUC 629 is being offered in the Summer of 

M.I. students must take either EDUC 680 (Educational Diagnosis) or EDUC 667
(Academic and Behavioral Assessment). EDUC 680 is being offered in the 
Summer of 2004.

M.I. students must take either EDUC 658 (Discipline and Classroom Management)
or EDUC 681 (Techniques for Behavior Change). Both of these courses are being
offered in the Summer of 2004.

M.I. students must take either EDUC 627 (Models of Instruction) or EDUC 640
(Introduction to Curriculum). EDUC 640 is being offered in the Summer
of 2004.

All M.I. students must take the following technology course that is being
offered in the Summer of 2004: 

     EDUC 685 Multimedia Literacy 

There is also a wide range of ed tech electives that are being offered
as part of the Summer Institute. Of these, the following count as
ed tech specialization electives:

    Offered in Newark:

    EDUC 667-045 Implementing Middle School Mathematics Using Technology
    EDUC 639-040 Internet Technologies
    EDUC 667-014 Introduction to Networking in Education 
    EDUC 652-010 Introduction to Technology in Special Education and Rehab
    EDUC 667-040 K-12 Technology Integration
    EDUC 667-015 Technology Integration in Secondary Social Studies
	Offered in Newark and in Georgetown:
    EDUC 639-010 and 011 Technology Planning 
    EDUC 632-040 and 041 Using the Internet for Curriculum Applications

    Online Option:

For students who cannot make it physically to campus, EDUC 639-040 and
EDUC 685-040 have an online option. To take the course online, register 
for it as usual, then send e-mail to the course instructor
(yours truly) letting me know that you want to take it online.

See for more information
about the Summer Institute courses.

                ===Ed.D. Students===

All Ed.D. students are required to take either EDUC 665, Elementary
Statistics or EDUC 856, Introduction to Statistical Inference. Of these,
EDUC 665 is being offered in the Summer of 2004.

All Ed.D. students are required to take 18 credits of ed tech specialty 
courses. During the Summer of 2004, the following course is being taught:

   EDUC 885-040 Data-Driven Web Design
For students who cannot make it physically to campus, EDUC 885-040 has
an online option. To take the course online, register for it as usual,
then send e-mail to the course instructor (yours truly)
letting me know that you want to take it online.

Because Data-Driven Web Design is a new course, let me tell you
that it is a practicum in which participants form teams to design 
and develop a data driven Web environment. Each team selects a topic 
and conducts research on what has been learned by other groups 
developing applications in the content area. Informed by this research, 
the team designs a relational database and presents it for critique and 
discussion by the entire class. As the environments undergo development 
on the Web, the contributions of each team member are logged into an 
online portfolio that is used for grading purposes. Please do not worry 
about the level of sophistication required to take this new course in 
Data-Driven Web Design. Instruction will be provided at all database
levels, from beginning to advanced. You can use FrontPage Wizards,
Microsoft Access, SQL and ADO scripting in JScript or VBScript, or 
ADO.NET, depending on your level of knowledge and sophistication. 

In the meantime, I hope you have all enjoyed a pleasant Spring break.

Cheers, Fred

Dr. Fred T. Hofstetter
Professor of Instructional Technology
Willard 219, University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716