From Fri Jul 23 13:30:44 1999
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 13:27:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: Fred T. Hofstetter 
Subject: Fall 99 Ed Tech Course Scheduling Advisories

Greetings to all ed tech graduate students in the School of Education!  I
hope you're all having a good summer.  I've done you a favor to help you
make course selections for the coming fall semester.  What I've done is to
compare the list of ed tech course requirements to the courses that are
being offered this coming fall term.  If you'll scroll down to the section
of this message that deals with your particular degree program (M.I.,
M.Ed., or Ed.D.), you'll find a list of all the fall 99 courses that count
toward your degree.

To see the course listings that I used in my comparison, go to and search for courses beginning
with EDUC (leave all the other search fields blank).  To see the ed tech
program pages, go to and follow the link to your
degree program (M.I., M.Ed., or Ed.D.).

If you're a master's student, and you've already taken all of the
600-level courses that are listed here, you can request special permission
from your advisor to take an 800-level course instead.  Be aware, however,
that any 800-level course you take as a master's student cannot be counted
again toward a doctoral degree at the University of Delaware.

If you have any questions, send e-mail to your advisor.  If you're not
sure who your advisor is, send me a message and ask me.  Above all, enjoy!

    ===Master of Education Ed Tech Course Scheduling Advisory===

EDUC 607 Educational Research Procedures
         (Before you enroll in EDUC 607, check
         and make sure you haven't already fulfilled this requirement.)
EDUC 632 Using the Internet for Curriculum Applications (This is 
         required of all ed tech graduate students.)
EDUC 685 Multimedia Literacy (This is required of all ed tech graduate
EDUC 653 Computer-Assisted Instruction for Remedial and Special Education
         (This is one of the ed tech electives.)

    ===Master of Instruction Ed Tech Course Scheduling Advisory===

EDUC 681 Techniques for Behavior Change (Don't take this if you've already
         taken EDUC 658, Discipline and Classroom Management; see for details.)
EDUC 632 Using the Internet for Curriculum Applications (This is 
         required of all ed tech graduate students.)
EDUC 685 Multimedia Literacy (This is required of all ed tech graduate
EDUC 653 Computer-Assisted Instruction for Remedial and Special Education 
         (This is one of the ed tech electives.)

     ===Doctor of Education Ed Tech Course Scheduling Advisory===

EDUC 685 Multimedia Literacy (This is required of all ed tech doctoral
         students as an admission requirement.  If you have extensive
         multimedia experience, see your doctoral advisor for a waiver of
         this requirement.  If you do not have a lot of multimedia
         experience, you really should take this course to acquire the
         skills you'll need to do well in other courses in the program.)

EDUC 856, Introduction to Statistical Inference
EDUC 665, Elementary Statistics

EDUC 850, Qualitative Research and Evaluation Design in Educational
EDUC 812, Regression Models in Education (Don't take this if you've
          already taken the two other research courses required in
          addition to EDUC 850; see
          for details.)

EDUC 875, Introduction to Educational Policy
EDUC 895, School Improvement Strategy

Doctoral ed tech course electives (18 credits of these are required for
                                   the Ed.D.):

EDUC 885-010 Curriculum and Technology
EDUC 885-011 Advanced Multimedia Design & Development (Do not enroll in
             this if you haven't already got a lot of multimedia
             experience, such as you get by taking EDUC 685, Multimedia
EDUC 885-012 Computer-Assisted Instruction in Special Education  

Dr. Fred T. Hofstetter                    Phone: (302) 831-8164
Professor of Instructional Technology       FAX: (302) 831-2089
School of Education                      E-mail:
Willard 219, University of Delaware         Web:
Newark, DE 19716